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Launching the New Ship of State Washington Adm. ( )

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1 Launching the New Ship of State Washington Adm. (1789-1797)

2 “President Washington We Have a Problem Here!”
What problems would Washington face as he began his Presidency? Credibility- ½ population oppose Constitution Prove government not a monarchy National debt Gain respect in foreign affairs No federal laws, no law enforcement officers, no federal court Constitution only an outline- Will it work? Creation of military to protect abroad and border

3 Washington’s Domestic Policy
Problem 1-What do you call the Chief Executive? Was this a waste of time for the new government?

4 Washington’s Domestic Policy
Problem 2- The need to create a judiciary. Judiciary Act of creation of 13 districts, 3 court of appeals, and a Supreme Court

5 Washington’s Domestic Policy
Problem 3- How do you get money into the treasury? Tariff of Required importers to pay a percent of the value of their cargo when dock in U.S.. Shippers also had to pay a tonnage tax on the weight of cargo. How did Southerners respond to the tariff?

6 Washington’s Domestic Policy
Problem 4- The President needs help in getting the government started, what do you do? The Cabinet- advisors to the President Dept. of Treas. Dept. of State Dept. of War Dept of Justice A. Hamilton T.Jefferson H. Knox E. Randolph

7 Washington’s Domestic Policy
Problem 5- How do you protect the frontier and allow westward expansion? Land between Appalachian Mts. And the Miss. R. fastest growing in U.S.- abundant land, fertile soil, wide rivers, fish, game. 1792- Kentucky a state 1796- Tennessee a state Growth results in conflict with Native Amer.

8 Washington’s Domestic Policy
Chief of Miami tribe-forms confederacy with Shawnee, Delaware Fall 1790 defeats Americans led by Gen. Josiah Harmar Nov ambushes U.S. forces under Gen. Arthur St. Clair Little Turtle

9 Battle of Fallen Timbers-Aug. 1794
Pres. Washington sends Wayne to put down resistance Shawnee, Ottawa, Chippewa, Potawatomi led by Shawnee Chief Blue Jacket attack Wayne at Fallen Timbers- N. Amer. Suffer heavy casualties Leads to Treaty of Greenville Gen. “Mad” Anthony Wayne

10 Treaty of Greenville Native Americans give up part of southern Ohio/Indiana in exchange for a payment of $10,000 from government. Population explodes! 1803 Ohio a state.

11 Washington’s Domestic Policy
Bill Of Rights Based on “VA. Declaration of Rights” (G. Mason), and “VA Statute of Religious Freedom” (T.Jefferson) 10 Amendments- First 8 protect the rights of the people 9th people have other rights not listed 10th reserve powers for states

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