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How to Succeed With Lenkey

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Presentation on theme: "How to Succeed With Lenkey"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Succeed With Lenkey
A.K.A. Classroom Rules


3 Respect everyone that comes in this room.

4 Be on time with all of your supplies.
COME TO CLASS Be on time with all of your supplies.

5 Pay Attention

6 Okay. Seriously. Pay attention to what is going on in class. English is a graduation requirement.

7 Homework is to be done at home.

8 No Texting in Class. Ever.
This includes Snap Chat, any social media, taking pictures (even of my notes) or any web browsing unless specifically allowed.

9 Be proud enough of your work to put your name on it.

10 I will catch you. It will not end well.
Do not use plagiarize. I will catch you. It will not end well.

11 Stay in your seats until the bell rings…
… or I say you are dismissed.

12 Keep up with your projects on a daily basis and they won’t become too much work at the last minute.

13 Remember: This is English class, so yes. To all of these.



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