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Tier 1 County Orientation

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1 Tier 1 County Orientation
DO SIGN IN SHEET FOR THE MEETING! Tier 1 County Orientation November 10, 2015

2 Introductions and Terminology
The Tier 1 counties Forest, Northumberland, Potter, Schuylkill, Snyder, Union, Warren, and Wayne. Tier 2 counties are the remaining 15 BHARP Counties Tier 1 counties participate at the highest level in training and have technical assistance and support. Tier 2 counties may participate in the training offered through the grant but do not receive an allocation or additional T/A or support Columbia/Montour/Snyder/Union (CMSU) County Joinder is the “Host County” for the grant

3 Organizational Design
SAMHSA CMSU (Host) County BHARP BHARP SOC Project Director Social Marketing Trauma Informed System of Care Trainer Tier 1 Counties Forest Northumberland Potter Schuylkill Snyder Union Warren Wayne University of Pittsburgh (Evaluation) Family Organization (consultation) Youth Organization (consultation)

4 Grant Overview/Deliverables
4 Key components to be developed Family Driven System of Care Youth Driven System of Care County Leadership Team Trauma-Informed System of Care Outcomes – outlined in the grant and defined by SAMHSA

5 Grant Overview/Deliverables
Additional Requirements Cultural Competency/adherence to National CLAS Standards Engaging “Disparate” populations Social Marketing Mental Health Awareness Day Flexibility… we are learning more about the specific requirements as the SAMHSA technical assistance is introduced to us. We wanted to bring Tier 1 counties together to offer the opportunity to launch their local System of Care efforts as early as possible.

6 Funding County Allocations $50,000 set aside – draw down process
0.25 FTE SOC assigned position BHARP Learning Collaborative for Trauma Informed Care Provide support for family and youth driven initiatives Evaluation/outcomes required by the grant and SAMHSA Social Marketing Cultural Competency About 45 minutes time to this point

7 Mission Discussion One way to construct a Mission or Vision statement…
10 minutes time Distribute index cards. “What 3 words characterize System of Care for you?” Construct a Wordle…

8 Binders and Flash Drive Distribution & Contents
Contract template between Tier 1 Counties and CMSU Budget and invoice form SOC-related Meeting sign-in sheet In-kind match tracking system (under construction) Stipend request form (county and BHARP) SOC Strategic Plan Template 20 minutes time

9 Budget/Invoicing Budget and Invoicing form
Use the Budget form for invoicing Invoice each month Changes to the budget more than 25% from one line item to another need to be approved by the SOC Project Director CMSU accesses funds from SAMHSA allocation and forwards to counties based on actual expenditures by the counties and by BHARP Save the budget & invoice form as a new file each month yyyymmcountyname ex Forest Rich & Chris. 20 minutes time

10 Sign-In Sheets & In-Kind Match
Who counts as match Anyone whose salary/costs are not covered fully by System of Care or Federal Dollars Track via web based application (under development) based on sign-in sheets Other opportunities for in-kind Sponsored food for meetings Room utilization without charge – assess rate for room space and report Printing Ideas? 5 minutes time

11 Stipends Stipends for youth or family members participating in activities within the individual Tier 1 counties are to be paid through a mechanism arranged by the county Use existing family or youth organization for processing? Stipends for BHARP activities are paid through CMSU Stipend requests are due at the end of the meeting to BHARP SOC leadership for review and packaging If attending the meeting remotely the request is due to the BHARP for processing within 2 weeks of the meeting MapQuest will be used to support mileage requests – consistency with this method in the counties is recommended 5 minutes time

12 Get lunch. 30 minutes time. Construct the Wordle… should be about 12PM

13 Evaluation/Outcomes Monica Walker Payne, lead evaluator What we know
Experience with SAMHSA requirements, data collection tools and databases What we know Year 1, 10 youth/county or 80 people in study group Years 2-4, 15 youth/county or 120 people in study group per year We need to address access and participation in services for “disparate” populations Must interview research participants within 30 days of enrollment in research study Candidates: a blend of females and males, those who are engaged in the system (those who we can access relatively easily) Monica will train county staff who will be collecting the data Who might be the best people in each county to engage and track research participants? What’s in it for the counties…? 30 minutes time; presented by Monica. CALL HER AT

14 Strategic Plan Template
County Snapshot Population Diversity Prior experience in System of Care or interagency collaboration “Drivers” (industry, poverty, natural resources) Overarching Vision for System of Care SWOT Analysis Priorities for Development Based on the SWOT Analysis County Leadership Team Family Driven Youth Driven Trauma Informed Care Action Steps to address priorities Measuring Success About 20 – 30 minutes; SWOT you tube video time permitting

15 Monthly Call Schedule Suggest 2nd week of the month on a Wednesday to avoid some meetings already scheduled Topics Each of the 4 core activities (family driven, youth driven, county leadership team development, trauma informed care) County successes; creative use of SOC funding Guest speakers Evolving SAMHSA requirements 5 minutes time

16 Tier 1 Leadership Team Recruitment
BHARP SOC is committed to following the same standards as the individual counties pertaining to at least 25% family and 25% youth membership on the leadership team. Any suggestions from counties for membership would be very helpful. Representation from each Tier 1 County in some way on the BHARP Tier 1 County Leadership Team would be ideal. 5 minutes time

17 Individual County Meetings
Schedule a meeting to get to know some of the county resources, strengths, etc. BHARP SOC is committed to spending time each month in each county Leadership Team meetings? Youth or Family meetings? Briefings for staff or other county leadership? 15 minutes time; should be about 1:45 at this point

18 Next Steps County visits
Develop the Leadership Teams, both county and BHARP Develop resources around the 4 core activities Participate in SAMHSA T/A Weekly written update Monthly SOC Update calls 15 minutes; closing

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