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Wednesday DO NOW: Pick up the “Fossils” notes sheet up front

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1 Wednesday DO NOW: Pick up the “Fossils” notes sheet up front
Please glue the notes into your notebook, next right side page. Make sure your page is numbered. If you missed yesterday’s quiz, see Mr. H With your neighbor, discuss the following questions: 1. What is a paleontologist? 2. How can fossils teach us about the past? 3. What is the Principle of Superposition?

2 NOTES: Paleontologists study organisms of the past Fossils provide evidence about plants, animals, and climates of long ago Most fossils are found in sedimentary rocks Principle of Superposition- the deeper the layer, the older the fossil Index fossils are used to define geologic periods.

3 Limestone Limestone indicates a marine environment was present

4 Sandstone Sandstone may indicate a shoreline habitat or a riverbed

5 What is the oldest layer of this burger?



8 DIRECTIONS: Complete all steps in your science notebook—LEFT SIDE opposite your notes.
Examine the set of fossils carefully. Sketch 3 different fossils in your notebook to the best of your ability. See if you can find out what type of fossil it is by matching the fossil with the Fossil Identification chart. For each fossil, write 3 facts about that fossil. 2. List the “word” organisms from oldest on the bottom to youngest at the top. Look for patterns in each “layer” of cards. Words will eventually become “extinct” and new words emerge. Zag Zig (oldest): list the rest here, in order from oldest to youngest. Show Mr. H when you think your team has it. 3. How do you know that Zag is older than Kin? Answer that in your notebook. 4 . Place the “picture” organism cards in correct order. (*) is the oldest layer. Follow the same pattern you did for the word cards, now only use the actual fossil cards to create the correct order of superposition. 5. What is the Principle of Superposition? Draw a picture or write a sentence to answer this question.

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