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Techne- art, skill Greek Technology- study of how to do things

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Presentation on theme: "Techne- art, skill Greek Technology- study of how to do things"— Presentation transcript:

1 Techne- art, skill Greek Technology- study of how to do things
Architect- a master builder

2 Ars, artis- art, skill Latin Artillery- equipment for war
Inert- not skilled, inactive, sluggish

3 Bios- life Greek Microbe- tiny form of life
Amphibian- creature who live both on land and in water

4 Vivo, victum-live Latin
Survive- to live over or beyond a threat of death Vivid-lively, animated, spirited

5 Mikros- small Greek Microwave- tiny electro-magnetic wave between centimeters long Microphone- device from transmitting small sound over distance

6 Megas- great, large, big Greek
Megaphone- device for making a sound larger (louder) Megatons- a million tons

7 Magnus- big, large, great
Latin Magnificent- great in deed or character; lavish Magnate- person of great rank or influence

8 Pater, patris- father Latin
Patriarch- chief father of a family or of a society Patron- one who acts like a father toward another

9 Mater, matris- mother Latin
Matrimony- state from which motherhood develops Matrix- the ground from which some thing or idea springs

10 Frater, fratris- brother
Latin Friar- a member of a men’s religious order Fraternize- associate together on friendly or brotherly terms

11 Demos- the people, the citizens
Greek Democracy- people power Epidemic- a plague on the people; disease spread among citizens

12 Populus-people Latin Population- whole number of people in an area
Republic- public thing or entity

13 Polis- city Greek Police- those who keep order in the city
Metropolis- mother city, or main city with smaller suburbs around it

14 Urbs, urbis- city Latin Urban- pertaining to the city
Urbane- polite; having city manners

15 Pathos- feeling, suffering
Greek Sympathy- to feel what another feels Pathology- study of suffering or disease

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