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Shore Track Officials’ Association
2010 Track and Field Rules Examination
Competitors and Competition
1. Cross country uniform rules are applied the same as the general track uniform and relay team uniform rules. True 4-3-1,2 - Pg 22,23 9-6 – Pg 68
Competitors and Competition
2. Contestants must report to the field event judge prior to the start of competition in order to be eligible. True 4-1-3 – Pg 21 (Also Clerk of Course prior to closing event)
Competitors and Competition
3. In a track event, a contestant is any athlete entered in the meet and becomes a competitor when reporting to the starting line. False (reporting to Clerk of the course for event which they are entered) 4-1-2 – Pg 21
Competitors and Competition
4. The games committee determines the maximum number of events in which a competitor may compete during a meet. False 4-2-1 – Pg 21
Cross Country 5. In cross country, if both numbers and computer chips are assigned to each competitor, it is the competitors choice if he/she wants to wear the assigned chip. False 9-6-5 – Pg 68
Cross Country 6. If fewer than five competitors of a cross country team finish, or other number specified by the games committee, the places of all members of that team shall be disregarded and team scores re-ranked. True 9-2-4 – Pg 64
False (“On your Marks” – no set)
Cross Country 7. In cross country, the starter shall give the command “On your mark, set” followed by firing the starting device. False (“On your Marks” – no set) 9-4-4-a– Pg 66
False (Clerk of the Course)
Cross Country 8. Cross country teams may choose their own starting position based on a first come basis. False (Clerk of the Course) 9-4-1 – Pg 64
Discus, Shot Put and Javelin
9. The degree sector shall be marked on the ground by radial lines 2 inches wide extending from the center of the throwing area to form an area into which legal puts shall be made True 6-4-5, – Pg 41,44
Discus, Shot Put and Javelin
10. The time at which the preliminaries in each throwing event must be concluded or completed should be set by the games committee. True 6-2-3 – Pg 38
Discus, Shot Put and Javelin
11. Prior to the beginning of the attempt in the shot put or discus, the competitor cleans the ring with a towel, steps out of the ring and drops the towel, then returns to the ring to initiate the throw. The event judge shall allow no foul. True 6-5-9c – Pg 44
Field Event Officials True 3-10-1 – Pg 18 3-19-1,2 – Pg 20
12. The field referee/ head field judge or assigned inspector of implements shall inspect the vaulting poles to verify that they are legal equipment. True – Pg 18 3-19-1,2 – Pg 20 7-5-5 – Pg 54
Field Event Officials False (Games Committee) 3-2-4g – Pg 12
13. Designated coaching areas where coaches may observe and confer with their athletes during competition may be established by the meet referee False (Games Committee) 3-2-4g – Pg 12
True (Official can also supervise)
Field Event Officials 14. Warm-ups shall not be allowed unless supervised by each contestant’s coach. True (Official can also supervise) – Pg 39
False (reverse order of performance)
Field Event Officials 15. Following the preliminaries, final competition in the fields events shall be drawn by lot. False (reverse order of performance) 6-2-5 – Pg 39
False (games committee determines)
Field Event Officials 16. The competition area is determined by the host school and the games committee is then informed. False (games committee determines) 3-2-3b – Pg 12
Field Event Officials 17. The event judge may determine the time limit and procedure to follow when competitors are excused from a field event to compete in another event. False (Games Committee) 3-2-3o – Pg 12
Field Event Officials 18. In the high jump, the games committee does not determine the starting height and successive height of the crossbar. False 3-2-3j – Pg 12
Heat and Lane Assignments
19. In first-round competition, runners from the same school who fall within the same heat shall be separated by moving the slower contestant to another heat. True 5-6-4 – Pg 32
Jumping Events 20. A passed height in the vertical jumps is considered an unsuccessful trial and shall be counted when determining places in vertical jumps. False 7-4-8 – Pg 51 7-4-17c – Pg 53 – Pg 57 7-5-30c – Pg 59
Jumping Events 21. A competitor in the high jump may attempt to clear the bar in any manner, provided the takeoff is from one foot and no weights or artificial aids are used. True – Pg 52
Jumping Events 22. The referee shall mark the crossbar position to ensure consistent placement of the crossbar. False Pg 18 7-4-5 – Pg 51
Jumping Events 23. Warming up is not permitted in any jumping venue unless supervised by the contestant’s coach or an official, and, in the pole vault, poles have been inspected and approved. True 7-2-9 – Pg 49
Jumping Events 24. The pushing of a pole vaulter in his/her back at the takeoff is legal only if it occurs during warm-up False – Pg 49 4-5-8 – Pg 25
Jumping Events True 7-3-2b – Pg 50 7-4-17b – Pg 53
25. When there is a tie at any height in the finals of the vertical jumps and all tied competitors have the same number of unsuccessful trials at the height involved, the competitor with the fewest total number of unsuccessful trials throughout the competition shall be awarded the higher place. True 7-3-2b – Pg 50 7-4-17b – Pg 53
Jumping Events 26. In the pole vault, it is a foul when the vaulter leaves the ground in an attempt but does not touch the ground or the landing system beyond the vertical plane of the top of the box. True – Pg 58
Long and Triple Jumps 27. In breaking ties for places in the horizontal jumps, if the distance resulting from the best performance of competitors is identical, the higher place is awarded to the tying competitor who has the best average of his/her top three jumps. False (2nd best jump) – Pg 62
Long and Triple Jumps 28. When approved by the games committee, a competitor may place one or two markers alongside the runway to assist in the run-up and take-off for the long jump and triple jump. True 3-2-4b – Pg 12 7-6-12a – Pg 61
Long and Triple Jumps 29. In the horizontal jumps, it is a foul if the competitor, in the process of landing, touches the ground outside the landing pit nearer the foul line than the nearest mark made in the landing pit. True 7-6-13e – Pg 61
Long and Triple Jumps 30. In the triple jump, it is a foul if the competitor lands on the opposite foot in the hop phase. True 7-6-13d – Pg 61
Marking, Measurements and Timing
31. Hand-held times shall be rounded up/down to the nearest tenth of a second and recorded. False (up only) 3-9-4 – Pg 17
Marking, Measurements and Timing
32. Measurement of the official height of the high jump shall be from a point on the same level as the take-off to the lowest point on the lower side of the crossbar. False (upper side) – Pg 52
Marking, Measurements and Timing
33. When a FAT system and timers are both used, the FAT system shall take precedence over the hand-held times. True 3-9-8 – Pg 18
Marking, Measurements and Timing
34. In the long jump, marks made by the competitors hands are ignored. False – Pg 61
Meet Administration 35. An event run entirely on a straightaway may be run in either direction. True 5-1-4 – Pg 26
False (Games Committee)
Meet Administration 36. Restricted areas for field events are designated by the event judge. False (Games Committee) 3-2-3b – Pg 12 3-2-4i – Pg 12
Meet Administration False (300 – 8 hurdles) 5-3-8 – Pg 30,31
37. The 100-meter, 110 meter and 300-meter hurdle races consist of 10 hurdles. False (300 – 8 hurdles) 5-3-8 – Pg 30,31
(after announcement of meet results / Jury of Appeals)
Meet Administration 38. A coach has 30 minutes after the meet to file a protest with the meet director regarding misapplication of the rules. False (after announcement of meet results / Jury of Appeals) 2-3-3 – Pg 11 3-5-3a – Pg 15
Meet Administration 39. The field can be charged with one false start rather than charging the false start to an individual competitor. False 5-7-4c – Pg 34
Pole Vault False (a minimum of 2 inches) 7-5-9 – Pg 56
40. In the pole vault, hard or unyielding surfaces such as, but not limited to, concrete, metal, wood, or asphalt around the landing pad, between the planting box and the landing system, shall be padded or cushioned with no more than 2 inches of dense foam or other suitable material(s). False (a minimum of 2 inches) 7-5-9 – Pg 56
Pole Vault 41. Prior to competition, the coach must verify that all of a school’s pole vaulters and poles meet the requirements pertaining to the vaulters weight and pole rating, pole rating on the pole and maximum top hand-hold position. True 7-5-3 – Pg 53, 54
Pole Vault 42. It is not considered a foul if the competitor aborts the approach and in stopping plants the pole and his/her momentum causes his/her feet to leave the ground. True b – Pg 58 (exception)
Pole Vault 43. The maximum top-handhold position of the vaulter is determined by the manufacturer. True 7-5-3 – Pg 53
Qualification and Disqualification
44. An American flag, not exceeding 4 x 6 inches, may be placed on the competitors uniform top or bottom. False (2 X 3 inches) 4-3-1c (6) – Pg 22
Qualification and Disqualification
45. Removing any part of the uniform, excluding shoes, in a designated competition area will lead to a warning first, followed by an event disqualification if repeated. True 4-3-4 – Pg 23
Qualification and Disqualification
46. Unsporting conduct may include any flagrant behavior, intentional contact or taunting, and results in disqualification from that event and further competition in the meet True 4-5-1 – Pg 24
Qualification and Disqualification
47. A coach instructs his/her cross country team to run as a pack. The meet referee disqualifies the team for pacing. False (ok if in race, DQ if not) 4-6-8b – Pg 25
Qualification and Disqualification
48. A competitor who fails to comply with the starter’s commands, shall be charged with a false start which would disqualify the competitor from the event. True 5-7-4a – Pg 34
Qualification and Disqualification
49. After passing the baton the relieved runner jogs straight ahead. An opponent makes contact with the relieved runner. The team of the relieved runner shall be disqualified. False 5-9-8 – Pg 36
Records and Special Events
50. The second day of a girl’s heptathlon competition shall begin with the long jump. True 8-1-3 – Pg 62
Records and Special Events
51. Special event scoring for the decathlon, pentathlon, and heptathlon is only determined by state associations. False 8-1-3(note) – Pg 62
Records and Special Events
52. In the long jump and triple jump, when an anemometer (wind gauge) is used, it shall be placed beside the runway 20 meters from the foul line. True – Pg 70
Records and Special Events
53. In vertical jumps, a competitor shall be credited with his/her best performance, including if it occurs in a jump-off for first place. True – Pg 73 7-4-17(d)-2-3 – Pg 56 7-5-30(d)-2-3 – Pg 62
False (Games Committee)
Relays 54. In relays of 800 meters or longer that are not run in lanes, the clerk of the course determines the method of baton exchange at each station. False (Games Committee) 3-2-3i – Pg 12 – Pg 36
Relays 55. When an acceleration zone is permitted, competitors who are the outgoing runners may receive the baton entirely within the limits of the acceleration and exchange zones. False (w/in exchange zones) 5-9-9 – Pg 36
(outgoing competitor)
Relays 56. In relays of 800 meters or longer that are not run in lanes, the responsibility is on the exchange judge to place the outgoing runner in a position that corresponds to that of the incoming runner. False (outgoing competitor) – Pg 36
Relays 57. If the baton is dropped in the exchange zone, in a legitimate attempt to hand it, only the competitor who dropped the baton, may retrieve it. False (either may retrieve) 5-9-7 – Pg 36
Running Infractions 58. A competitor who inadvertently run out of his/her lane on the straightaway, taking three or more steps on the lane line to either his/her left or right, shall be disqualified. True 5-11-1a – Pg 37
Running Infractions 59. It is an infraction if a competitor knocks down any hurdle by hand or foot. False (hand only) 6-1-2b – Pg 38
Running Infractions 60. It is an infraction if, while running on a straightaway, the competitor runs in an adjacent lane and interferes with or impedes another competitor. True b – Pg 37
Running Infractions 61. A hurdler shall be disqualified for running around a hurdle. True 6-1-2-e – Pg 38
Running Infractions 62. For races that have qualifying heats, all heats must use the same starting procedure. True 5-6-3 – Pg 32
Scoring and Ties 63. When using manual timing in order to break a tie, the time recorded to 1/100th of a second shall be used. False 3-9-4 – Pg 17
Scoring and Ties 64. In throwing events and horizontal jumps, all competitors tying for the last position shall be finalists True 6-2-4 – Pg 39
Scoring and Ties 65. In a quadrangular meet, the number of places to score in relay events, unless otherwise announced by the games committee, shall be three. True 2-1-2 – Pg 10
Scoring and Ties 66. In a dual meet, the scoring for individual events is True 2-1-2 – Pg 10
Event Start and Conclusion
67. Clerical or team scoring errors may be corrected up to 36 hours after the conclusion of the event. False (48 hours after meet) 2-3-1 – Pg 10
Event Start and Conclusion
68. It is a starting violation when a competitor is taking too much time to remove warm-ups, slowly getting on the track, slowly getting into his/her “on your mark” position and causing a starting delay. True 5-7-4a – Pg 34 5-7-4e – Pg 34
Event Start and Conclusion
69. A race shall be recalled within the first 100 meters if a competitor slips and falls. False (no contact mentioned) 5-7-6 – Pg 34
Clerk of the Course 70. The clerk of the course is in charge of recording the name and number of each competitor, assigning competitors to heats and lanes, giving race instructions and checking for legal uniforms. True 3-7-1 & 2 – Pg 15,16
Clerk of the Course 71. The clerk of the course has sole authority to make adjustments in heat and lane assignments. False (approval of referee) 3-7-3 – Pg 16
(also clerk of the course)
72. The assistant starter has the sole responsibility to announce the lane assignments and hold each competitor responsible for reporting to the starting line. False (also clerk of the course) 3-7-2 – Pg 16
Clerk of the Course 73. A running event or heat begins when the contestants report to the clerk of the course. False (starting line) 4-6-1 – Pg 25
The Referee 74. The referee’s authority concludes immediately after the last event has concluded. False (30 min after last event) 3-4-2 – Pg 14
The Referee 75. The referee may not disqualify a competitor who commits an infraction personally observed by the referee. False 3-4-6 – Pg 14
The Referee 76. When a competitor is disqualified, either the event judge or the clerk shall notify – or cause to be notified – the competitor or competitor’s coach of the disqualification. False (Referee) 3-4-5 – Pg 14
The Referee 77. The referee is always a member of the jury of appeals.
False 3-2-4(l) – Pg 13
The Starter 78. In cross country when conditions dictate, the starter may use whistle/flag commands along with the starting device. True 9-4-4b – Pg 66
The Starter 79. The starter is responsible for deciding if a start is fair and legal, avoiding unnecessary delays in the continuance of track events, and whether competitor uniforms are legal. False (starter) 3-6-1 – Pg 15
The Starter 80. A coach’s first level of protest is to the jury of appeals. False (referee) 3-5-2 – Pg 14
The Starter 81. During distance races, the assistant starter should take a position on the first turn. True 3-6-3 – Pg 15
Throwing Events 82. In the throws or horizontal jumps, the finals are competed in reverse order of performance. True 6-2-5 – Pg 39
Throwing Events 83. At the conclusion of a field event, a competitor may continue to practice provided he/she is supervised by an event official or coach. False – Pg 39
Throwing Events 84. In the degree throwing sector, the inner edges of the sector lines serve as the boundary. True 6-5-5 – Pg 44
Throwing Events 85. Competitors in the throwing events may enter and exit the circle without fouling if done before the start of the attempt. True 6-4-9(c) – Pg 42 6-5-9(c) – Pg 44
Throwing Events 86. During the shot put, A1 is disqualified for unsporting conduct and all previously recorded throws are thrown out. True 4-5-1 – Pg 24
Track and Field Equipment
87. In the javelin throw, the runway should have a minimum length of 120 feet (36.5 meters) and should be marked by 2 parallel lines, feet, 1 ½ inches (4 meters) apart, and terminated by a foul-line arc with a radius of 26 feet, 3 inches (8 meters). True 6-6-3 – Pg 46
Track and Field Equipment
88. The landing pad that is preferred for the high jump has two attached sections with a common cover. False (no preference mentioned) 7-4-3 – Pg 51
Track and Field Equipment
89. It is the responsibility of the NFHS to perform scientific tests on any specific items of equipment to determine if the equipment poses undue risks to student- athletes, officials or spectators. False (manufacturers responsibility) 5-4 (note) – Pg 31
Track and Field Equipment
90. The number to qualify for a final race, the number of heats to choose the qualifiers, and the number of sessions required for preliminary and semifinal heats, shall be determined by the games committee. True 3-2-2 – Pg 12
Track and Field Equipment
91. Starting blocks on a curve can be positioned on but not over the outside lane line. True 5-2-4 – Pg 26 5-7-4d – Pg 34
Track Officials 92. The umpire shall be equipped with both a red and white flag. False (Yellow and White) – Pg 19
Track Officials 93. An umpire on a turn near the finish line should move toward the finish line as the race is ending to watch for infractions. True – Pg 19
Track Officials 94. When a pistol is used as a starting device it shall be a closed-barrel starters pistol. True 5-7-1 – Pg 34
Track Officials 95. Marshals have the responsibility to keep competition areas free from all persons except officials, contestants and others authorized by the games committee. True 3-12 – Pg 19
Uniforms 96. It is a legal garment when a competitor is wearing under his/her uniform top, a turtle-neck shirt of a single, solid color with the school insignia on the collar, which complies with the logo dimension requirements. True 4-3-1(d)1 – Pg 23 9-6-1b(8) – Pg 68
Uniforms 97. A relay team reports to the clerk of the course for the 4 x 400 with three team members wearing all-black, one-piece body suits and the fourth member wearing a black top and black shorts. The relay team members are wearing legal uniforms. True 4-3-2a – Pg 23
(designated by Games Committee)
Uniforms 98. The uniform top must be tucked into the waistband of the bottom when the competitor is standing upright. True (designated by Games Committee) 3-2-4(j) – Pg 13
(top and bottom do not have to be same color)
Uniforms 99. Team A’s 4X800-meter relay team reports to the clerk of the course in legal school uniforms, but A1 has a solid blue visible undergarment on the top and A2 has a solid red visible undergarment on the bottom. The clerk observes the undergarments and determines they are illegal because of being two different colors. False (top and bottom do not have to be same color) 4-4-2-b – Pg 23
Uniforms 100. A competitor’s uniform may include all of the following: school identification, competitor name, a single manufacturer’s logo, an American flag and a commemorative or memorial patch, if all the above comply with the dimension requirements. True 4-3-1 – Pg 22,23 9-6-1 – Pg 68
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