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Geminga strikes again The XMM observation of Geminga

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1 Geminga strikes again The XMM observation of Geminga
100 ksec of GT time Geminga strikes again

2 70’s 80’s The past EPIC EPIC 2002 1988 Optical ID G” 1983
X-ray counterpart 1E EPIC EPIC 2002

3 >1992 ROSAT 237 msec pulsation
EGRET and COS B >1993 Proper motion of G” >1996 parallax of G” >1998 feature in optical >1998 absolute position of G” >1998 Gamma timing with proper motion

4 77 x 2 ksec

5 Energetics The tails account for 2 10-6 Edot Edot 3 1034 erg/sec
D = 160 pc m=170 mas/y vtr =120 km/sec Geminga luminosity erg/sec (0.1-5 keV) Tails luminosity erg/sec The tails account for Edot

6 VNS=mD/cos(i)



9 i < 30°

10 RSO < 40” Geometrical model with i < 30°
yields 20” < RSO < 30”

11 which implies 7 < M < 20
from bow-shock VNS=mD/cos(i) we can obtain 0.06 < rISM < 0.15 at/cm-3 which implies 7 < M < 20

12 What produces the X-rays
Power law spectrum -> synchrotron radiation -> need for electrons and magnetic field

13 From bow-shock theory rshock = 4 rISM Since B is frozen-in Bshock = 4 BISM Bshock = 10-5 G

14 To produce keV photons in 10-5 G B field one needs 1014 eV electrons

15 1014 eV electrons will have a Larmor radius
of cm  thickness cm 27” 1014 eV electrons will loose half of their energy in 800 y . 180 “ / 170 mas/y = 1,000 y

16 Search for Ha emission

17 No Ha implies neutral H < 0.01

18 Geminga accelerates electrons up to E 1014 eV
Conclusions Geminga accelerates electrons up to E eV 0.06 < rISM < 0.15 at/cm-3 BISM < Gauss The ISM is fully ionized by Geminga


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