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Providing School and Child Care Access to an Immunization Registry: The Next Step National Immunization Conference March 24, 2005.

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2 Providing School and Child Care Access to an Immunization Registry: The Next Step National Immunization Conference March 24, 2005

3 Agenda Pilot Project Background Conclusions/Recommendations Next Steps

4 Purpose of Pilot Activity
To plan and implement a pilot to determine the feasibility/usefulness of access to the CHILD Profile Immunization Registry for school nurses, Head Start and child care nurse consultants.

5 Critical Steps for Pilot
Legal Opinion from AAG Key Stakeholder Work Meetings with Potential Participants Workflows for Individual Scenarios Follow-Up Meetings Training/Site visit/Data Collection Analyzing Data/Staff Interviews Recommendation to DOH


7 Tool Development Outcome Map outlining :
Strategies; Outcomes; Priority Outcomes; Goals Workflow Charts Activities Timeline/Lead Assignments Contract development Training Plan Pilot Guidelines Evaluation

8 Conclusions Pilot successful; 90% of lookups useful; significant interest; “It helps us do our job better.” Training model-classroom style with in-person trainer is time-consuming, especially in rural areas. Costs for expansion include staff coordination, training tools, Helpdesk Statewide expansion will take time, given the complexity of contracting and training Bullet 1 – “Like finding a goldmine.” Bullet 4 – discuss alternate options for contracting we are exploring.

9 Conclusions (Cont’d) Head Start will want data entry capability for limited staff. LHJ Child Care Nurse Consultants will want data entry capability to assist with compliance responsibilities. Schools do not have time to enter data. Find another data entry avenue for their medical record immunization information. Statewide implementation is complex.

10 Recommendations Expansion: Staged Implementation
Develop a Communications Plan Gather statewide support for expansion Continue to assess staff resources Pilot County expansion for Kindergarten pre-registration in Spring 2005 Allow view only access to schools

11 Recommendations (Cont’d)
Expand to two smaller counties by Fall 2005 Explore options for school contracts Explore options for LHJ Nurse Consultants Explore/Develop training options Explore data entry options

12 Next Steps Develop Proposal Establish Workgroup to research issues
Develop Communication Plan Involve “High Level” Leadership Evaluate current linkages with childcare/schools Explore Contract Options

13 Next Steps (Cont’d) Expand to all Grant County Elementary Schools for Kindergarten Round-Up Expand to 2-3 small counties with full provider participation or dual nursing roles Put expansion of HeadStart/ECEAP “on hold” Develop Timeline for full implementation Develop Evaluation Plan Seize Opportunities as they arise

14 Acknowledgements Janna Bardi, DOH Immunization Program Manager
Sherry Riddick, CHILD Profile Immunization Registry Operations Manager Dahlia Kupfer, CHILD Profile Evaluation Manager Elizabeth Nucci, CHILD Profile Provider Recruitment Specialist

15 Contact Information Pamela Johnson, MA Program Linkages Coordinator WA DOH Immunization Program

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