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Chapter 9 Notes World War I..

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1 Chapter 9 Notes World War I.

2 President Wilson’s peace plan – Fourteen Points
To prevent strikes the National War Labor Board est. First war in which women officially served in the armed forces To conserve energy the Fuel Admin introduced daylight savings time. The Great Migration during WWI. Was the flow of African Am moving from the South to Northern cities

3 One condition of the Treaty of Versailles is that Germany had to admit is caused WWI.
Selective Service Act called men to service by a lottery “Food Will Win the War” encouraged Americans to observe Wheatless Mondays Committee on Public Information “sold” the war to the people Criticism of the war at home was silenced by Espionage and Sedition Acts

4 The FBI was originally formed to raid radical HQ ‘s looking for a Communist conspiracies
British entered WWI. when German troops crossed into Belgium

5 Define the following Sussex Pledge Black Hand Contraband
Ferdinand Foch Propaganda Espionage

6 Liberty Bonds Four-Minute Men Palmer Raids Fourteen Points Sedition and Espionage Acts War Industries Board

7 Maps Know which countries/areas were Allied Powers, Neutral Nations, and Central Powers

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