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Webquest for Chocolate

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1 Webquest for Chocolate

2 Components Introduction Task Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion

3 Introduction The chocolate we know of goes through several steps before it hits our store’s shelves. Back in “1500 BC-400 BC - The Olmec Indians are believed to be the first to grow cocoa beans as a domestic crop.” In CE people would make an unsweetened chocolate drink that was only for the elite members of the Myan society. It wasn’t until 1674 that chocolate started to be eaten how we know it today. To learn more about chocolate Try This Trivia!

4 Task To help you understand a little more about chocolate you can take a tour of a chocolate factory! Click Here for Tour Even though there is a lot of great history that is involved with chocolate, there are a lot of fun things to do with it as well (besides eating it), like games! Game 1, 2, 3

5 Process You are now the advertising group for a famous chocolate company! It is your job to create, design and market the latest candy bar. Once you have created this candy bar and decided on the ad campaign you and your group will give a 1 minute commercial to the class explaining why we should buy your candy bar.

6 Process Cont’d First you need to decide what ingredients will need to go into your candy bar. Second come up with a name and design for the wrapper.

7 Process Cont’d Next create a poster, bulletin board or slide show telling the class about your candy bar. Finally you will present everything you and your group has created to the class.

8 Conclusion By the end of this Webquest you will know some facts about the history of chocolate and also all the steps that it takes to successfully make a candy bar. You will have presented your candy bar and all the parts of that project, including the poster, drawings and commercial.

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