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Attendance. School starts each day at 7:30

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1 Attendance. School starts each day at 7:30
Attendance. School starts each day at 7:30. We do lots of work each day and missing just a day can make it harder to keep up! Breakfast. We eat breakfast in the classroom every morning. Please send kids hungry! Dismissal. Will be crazy the first few days of school. We dismiss at 2:45pm. If you change your dismissal way, please let the office know (and they will let me know.) Communication. It is key. If you need anything or if your child says something that I need to know please call or ! . Please me if you ever have any questions. I can usually reply faster than by the phone. I will also need your . Folder. Your child will have a daily take home folder. Please initial it daily and remove anything from it that needs to stay home. Great behavior. I expect great behavior all the time. There are rewards – notes, praise, treasures, treats, and phone calls home. Homework. We will not have homework this year. It is optional and will be sent home as extra help for your child. Independence. Your student can do a lot more than you think. Look for times to allow them to do the work. Journals. We will keep many journals throughout the year. Science, math, and writing journals Lunch. We eat lunch at 10:55. Lunch is free for all students There is no fridge for home lunches or snacks please be mindful of that when sending in lunch. Keeping Updated. Please check for a weekly s or letters from me with all the important updates. Ms. Terrell & Ms. Wright

2 Morning Work. As students arrive each morning, they will eat breakfast and then complete their morning work before we get started with our day. News. If your child has any important news please share it with me. Not only will this help with learning but it will help me to connect with your children as people. Open-Door Policy. Please speak up if there is something you or your child may need. Ms. Wright and I are here to help in any way we can. Patience. Please be patient the first few weeks of school. Training 400+ kids to get to and from school is tricky. Questions – Please question your child each day after school. Ask what they learned, who they played with, and what they ate. Recess. Students get recess after lunch. Recess is a privilege and can be taken away for poor behavior. Specials. We go to music, art, PE, Computer, and Library per 5 day schedule. (One special per day.) Please send your child to school in sneakers on PE days (Wednesdays). Teacher. That’s me! I am Ms. Terrell and we are privileged to also have Ms. Wright. This is my 6th year teaching kindergarten. I have a masters in educational technology and have my bachelors in early childhood education. Unfinished Work. We will have lots of this. Please finish it up at home and send back if you wish. Volunteer. We love them! But please give us a few weeks to get our routines down and rapport with the students. A note for this will come home when we are ready. Work. We will be doing a lot of fun and engaging work in each subject area throughout the school year so look for some wow work!! eXperience. Kids come to school with all sorts of them. Some can read, some have never be away from family. Please don’t worry about if your child is behind or ahead at this point. Your help. Please check the folder each day, initial where needed, read each night, and clean out their backpacks daily! ZZZZ’s. Kids need lots of sleep. And expect them to be tired at the end of the day – they work hard in school and it takes awhile to get used to.

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