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Follow Along with Your Notes

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1 Follow Along with Your Notes
Unit 3 Lesson 3: The power of the Church Please get ready to go: Follow Along with Your Notes

2 Key Questions: How did the Church become the most powerful institution during the Middle Ages? (Petrine Supremacy and Pope Gregory VII) How did the church control people’s behavior during the Middle Ages? (Sacriments, Excommunication, Interdiction, and Cannon Law)

3 Review Why did feudalism develop? (Feudalism and The Second Invasion)
How did Feudalism function as a government? (Feudal Contract, Lord, Vassal, Fief, Peasant, Serf, Primogeniture and Chivalry) How did the Manor System serve as an economic system of the Middle Ages? (Barter Economy)

4 Explain the role of the Church in Medieval Society.
Hello, and welcome to my church. My name is Pope Gregory and I have come down from heaven to teach you about the powers of the Church During the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church was an important part of society. What you need to learn today is to Explain the role of the Church in Medieval Society.

5 Role #1: Guide people to Heaven
“Petrine Supremacy” AKA: The Keys to Heaven People receive “Sacraments” People cannot get to heaven if they do not let the church “Open the Door” for them Petrine Supremacy” The church controlled the Keys to heaven known as the Sacraments. Sacraments: Ceremonies that mark a person’s path to heaven. St. Peter and the following bishops of Rome were given the spiritual authority of the church by the Bible. It is based on two verses in the bible according to which Christ designated Peter the head of the church, giving him the “power of the keys” to open and close the doors of salvation. Most of all, the church controlled the people’s path to heaven.

6 Role #2: Keep Order Cannon Law: Cannon Courts: Excommunication:
Cannon Law: the code of Law of the church Excommunication: Kicking a person out of the church. They could not receive the sacraments and get to heaven Most were executed Interdict: An order that excluded an entire town, region, or kingdom from receiving sacraments. This would be used against nobles to make the peasants, knights, and serfs put pressure on the noble to change his ways. Cannon Law: Cannon Courts: Excommunication: Interdiction:

7 Cannon Law “Cannon Law” Cannon Law: the code of Law of the church
Excommunication: Kicking a person out of the church. They could not receive the sacraments and get to heaven Most were executed Interdict: An order that excluded an entire town, region, or kingdom from receiving sacraments. This would be used against nobles to make the peasants, knights, and serfs put pressure on the noble to change his ways.

8 Role #3: The “Secular” Church
Secular: Involved in everyday things The Church controls EVERYTHING!! Art, Education, the Feudal Contract, and the work day. “The Secular Church” Secular: worldly, involved in everyday affairs. All feudal relationships and oaths were backed by the church Monarchs were crowned by the church They dominated a majority of the education, art, music, and writing of the age The work day was controlled by the church bells.

9 The Middle Ages: Power of the Church
The Secular Church” Secular: worldly, involved in everyday affairs. All feudal relationships and oaths were backed by the church Monarchs were crowned by the church They dominated a majority of the education, art, music, and writing of the age The work day was controlled by the church bells.

10 Pope Gregory VII Pope Gregory VII: The Founder of Papal Monarchy
He believed that the church should stand a part form secular society and be the judge of all human actions. He realized that the church needed to free itself from all influence of the Lords. Lay Investiture: The practice of secular rules both selecting church officials in their realm and giving them (investing) with the symbols of their office. He outlawed this practice and forced the King of the Holy Roman Empire to accept this.

11 Role #4: Rule like a King Papal Monarchy Founded by Pope Gregory I
Judge of all actions The Lay Investiture Controversy Pope Gregory VII: The Founder of Papal Monarchy He believed that the church should stand a part form secular society and be the judge of all human actions. He realized that the church needed to free itself from all influence of the Lords. Lay Investiture: The practice of secular rules both selecting church officials in their realm and giving them (investing) with the symbols of their office. He outlawed this practice and forced the King of the Holy Roman Empire to accept this.


13 What were the positive and negative consequences of the Catholic Church?
Positives: The church did provide a common culture and a uniting force during the Middle Ages. -Negatives: The church accepted no challenges and could not be questioned. The church had absolute (could not be questioned) power.

14 Describe the impact of the Crusades on the Christian World.
Crusades: A holy war called by the Pope to reclaim the holy land from the Muslims and Jews. They were called for when the Emperor of the Byzantine Empire asked Pope Uban II for help against the Turks. In 1095, Pope Urban II called for a cursade to fee the Holy Land. People went on crusades for: 1. Religious reasons: Do the will of God to get to heaven. 2. Wealth and Land 3. Escape troubles at home. 4. Adventures

15 Crusades: Negatives and Positives
1. Crusades were an absolute failure in that they never regained the holy land. 2. Bitter hatred between Christians and Muslims Positives: 1. Increased trade between Europe and the Middle East 2. The growth of the money economy 3. The Kings rose in power 4. The church lost its power 5. A wider world view.

16 14th Century: An Age of Turmoil (Confusion/Uncertainty)
13th Century saw big change in the life of a Medieval person. A. People get healthier, live longer, and have babies B. Life gets better. At the beginning of the 1300’s Life begins to get worse. Little Ice Age: a drop in the temperature of the earth causes much shorter growing seasons and a lack of food. 14th Century: 3 events that cause a catastrophic change in peoples lives The Catholic Schism: 3 Popes compete for the Catholic Church The Bubonic Plague: Kills 1/3 of people in Europe 100 Years War: Battle between France and England for control of the French Crown. It lasted 116 years.

17 Review What is each? Petrine Suprmacy, Sacraments, Cannon Law, Excommunication, Interdiction, and Secular. Who was the driving force behind this? What was the role of the Church during Medeival Times? How did it fulfill each?

18 Article Review Please read the Article and answer the questions on your own sheet of paper.

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