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Chapter 6 “O Brave New World”.

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1 Chapter 6 “O Brave New World”

2 Imperialism The extension of power over a territory including its people and resources Example: Britain and France controlled early Canada. They shipped resources such as furs back to the mother country. They also took over the Native People and changed the way they lived. This was imperialism

3 The Treaty of Tordesillas
Spain and Portugal could not come to an agreement of who owned the trade route to Asia They asked the Pope to settle the matter 1494 the Pope made a secret treaty that would divide the world between the Spanish and the Portuguese Spain would have all the land west of an imaginary line running north and south through the Atlantic Portugal would have everything east of that line


5 Treaty of Tordesillas Other European rulers were angry when they heard about the treaty England and France ignored the treaty and sent explorers across the North Atlantic to find new territories (obviously)

6 Expansionism -> Imperialism
What gave Europeans the idea that they could divide the world amoung themselves? It was the expansionist worldview that we learned about in chapter 5 Expansionism turned into Imperialism: not only did they want to expand their world, they wanted power and control over the territories they came across

7 The Cost of Imperialism
By 1600 less than 1/10 of the original population of the Americas remained It is estimated that 90 million Indigenous people died during that time Most died of diseases brought by the Europeans (smallpox, influenza, measles) Many Indiginous people in the Americas completely died out ( Beothuk of Newfoundland)

8 European Attitude Europeans saw themselves as superior to the peoples of the Americas (Ethnocentrism) They needed the resources of the Americas to support the European economy They saw competition for land and resources as necessary for their survival and supremacy This attitude led to the disregard of the rights of the Indigenous and First Nations peoples to their traditional lands

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