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Slip, Trip and Fall Prevention Whats Your Safety Grade?

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Presentation on theme: "Slip, Trip and Fall Prevention Whats Your Safety Grade?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Slip, Trip and Fall Prevention Whats Your Safety Grade?

2 Slip, Trip and Fall Prevention

3 Objectives Learn the costs of slips, trips and falls Learn the causes of slips, trips and falls Learn how to prevent slips, trips and falls Identify hazards Implement controls Incident reporting

4 Average Total Incurred Costs

5 Could this happen at your school? Robin has been a teacher with the district for 17 years. She was in the process of moving her classroom from the third to second floor of her building. Robin tripped and fell head first down a set of stairs while carrying a box of materials to her new classroom. 911 was called and she was taken to the hospital. This healthy mother of two was diagnosed with a spinal cord injury resulting in quadriplegia. Total Expected Payments: $5,886,500

6 Slip, Trip and Fall Prevention

7 Slips: Common causes: Floor design; coefficient of friction Wet or oily surfaces Occasional spills Weather hazards Loose or unanchored rugs, mats, carpet Floor maintenance issues Shoes

8 Slip, Trip and Fall Prevention Trips: Common causes: Inside –Rugs, mats, carpeting –Backpacks, books and bags –Exposed cables, cords –Open drawers or cabinets Outside –Cracks or holes in parking lots –Unmarked curb or ramp edges –Uneven walking surfaces –Inadequate lighting

9 Slip, Trip and Fall Prevention






15 Parking lots have plenty of other issues! Speed bumps Tire stops Wheelchair accessible curbs, ramps Speed bump Unmarked elevation changes: Tire stop Wheelchair accessible curb Slippery conditions in the parking lot can be due to rain, ice, snow, frost, sleet, and hail.

16 Slip, Trip and Fall Prevention

17 Wear shoes with: Slip-resistant soles and a good tread No leather or smooth soles No open-toes No platform or high heels

18 Slip, Trip and Fall Prevention During rainy or winter weather Wipe shoes on mats, as necessary Provide covers for umbrellas Provide a place for rain gear Contact the custodial staff if you need assistance with a slip and fall issue CAUTION Wet Floor signs, etc.

19 Slip, Trip and Fall Prevention To reduce slips, trips and falls Contact the custodial staff if you need assistance with a slip and fall issue Spill or liquid clean up Weather hazards Loose or unanchored rugs, mats, carpet Floor maintenance issues Cracks or holes in parking lots CAUTION Wet Floor signs, etc.

20 Incident Reporting What information should be obtained? Complete an Incident Report (IR) Who, what, where, when, how, why Teacher/Principal response to the incident (i.e. actions taken) Description of the incident from other employees perspective Description of the surroundings, including weather conditions Circumstances preceding the accident Take pictures, if camera is available Submit IR to Claims Administrator

21 Summary Costs of slips, trips and falls Causes of slips, trips and falls How to prevent slips, trips and falls Identify hazards Implement controls Incident reporting

22 Slip, Trip and Fall Prevention Whats Your Safety Grade?

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