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Unit 9.12 pgs 118- The Web Book Test.

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1 Unit pgs 118- The Web Book Test

2 Unit 9.12 Test The Web Book Test 1. By now, assuming you’ve read every page of this book, you’ll know pretty much everything that’s required to create simple Web pages from scratch. This includes what?

3 Unit 9.12 Test The Web Book Test 2. With this basic knowledge under your belt, it’s time to make an important decision. Will you continue to create web sites in this way, where each page is an HTML file that has to be edited and uploaded? Or will you do things The Other Way? To understand what we mean by The Other Way, consider modern web sites such as Facebook, WordPress, LinkedIn, Bebo, Twitter, MySpace and Ebay. These are often referred to as Web 2.0 sites, but what does this mean exactly? When you want to update your profile on Facebook, you don’t have to create an HTML file with Amaya and then use an FTP program to upload it. You just fire up your web browser, connect to the site, log in with a username and password, and manage your content directly within the site itself. It’s the same whether you’re posting a new page to your blog on, creating an item for sale on eBay, or using any of the other sites I mentioned. How do they do that? And more importantly, can anyone do it? Can you create sites that work in a similar way, that you can update directly from a browser without the need for an HTML editor or an FTP tool? ?

4 Unit 9.12 Test The Web Book Test 3. But if you want to create a Web 2.0 site that performs a common function, such as a blog, or a discussion forum, or a simple web site, or a picture gallery?

5 Unit 9.12 Test The Web Book Test 4. For the purposes of this chapter what are the 4 products we’re going to install and configure?

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