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Pre-OMB meeting Preparation for the Workshop “EGI towards H2020”

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Presentation on theme: "Pre-OMB meeting Preparation for the Workshop “EGI towards H2020”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pre-OMB meeting Preparation for the Workshop “EGI towards H2020”
<NGI> <Presenter>

2 EGI Strategy activities
Providing enabling services to researchers Operate European capability for HTC and data analysis Provide a flexible virtual research environment Identify and develop the human capital

3 Providing enabling services to researchers
<Collaboration with new user communities> <use case> <current status and plans> <Offer storage and other services for persistent data> <use case, technologies> <status, plans and expected capacity> Integration with EUDAT, PRACE or other infrastructures at national and European level

4 Operate European capability for HTC and data analysis
<Provision of Cloud services> <status, plans, expected capacity> <Provision of new resource types (e.g. HPC, GPGPU,..)> <Build a pay per use federation for the national resource centres, or other allocation mechanisms>

5 Provide a flexible virtual research environment
<Provisioning of virtual research environment and other portals and interfaces for an easy access to the resources> <use case> <current status and plans> <Collaboration with technology providers> <Development of AAI infrastructure or solutions>

6 Identify and develop the human capital
Creation of NGI centre of excellence: <application porting> <user support> <Training> <technology consultancy> Please add information about topics and target user communities (if any)

7 Other innovation activities
<Add other activities if they do not fit in the previous slides> <use case/user community> <status and plans>

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