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1 Welcome




5 Presentation What harm does pollution do to people, animals and plants? thick/like a blanket over a city; people/animals/plants become ill air pollution: make rivers and lakes dirty; people/animals/plants die water pollution: make people talk loudly; become angry easily noise pollution:

6 Pollution

7 What kinds of pollution are mentioned in the passage?
Fast reading What kinds of pollution are mentioned in the passage? air pollution water pollution insecticide pollution

8 Para.1: Air pollution machines cars causes: sickness bad results:
Detailed reading Para.1: Air pollution machines cars causes: sickness even death bad results:

9 Para.2: Water pollution Factory wastes containing dangerous chemicals
causes: Water/not fit to drink Fish and plants/die. bad results:

10 Para.3: Insecticide pollution
causes: insecticides (poisons used to kill insects) upset the balance of nature harm animals bad results:

11 Para.4: A difficult problem
What machines can make your life easier? What do they cause at the same time?

12 Where shall we go tomorrow ?

13 some anti-pollution laws / passed
Para5: Ways out International action is being taken. some anti-pollution laws / passed severe limits on the gases from cars factories / remove the poison

14 air/cleaner rivers/fish and plant life again.

15 Structure of the passage
PROBLEMS CAUSES BAD RESULTS SOLUTIONS machines cars sickness death AIR POLLUTION limits on factory wastes not fit to; die remove the poison WATER POLLUTION upset the balance of... limit the use of... INSECTICIDE POLLUTION insecticides machines make a choice ANOTHER PROBLEM

16 Fill in the blanks with suitable words
Pollution is one of the greatest ________ facing mankind. Industry is to _____ for part of it.Machines and cars send out _______ gases into the air,causing _______ and even _____. Dangerous chemicals are sometimes ______ into rivers,killing fish and plants.____________ are used to kill insects,but they may also ______ the balance of nature and do ____ to animals . People have to make a _______ if they want to stop pollution,they will have to stop ________________________ . Now international action is _________. Laws have been made.There are strict _______on the gases from cars.Factories must________the poison from the their wastes before _______ them out. Let’s join up to make our world a better place to live in. problems blame poisonous sickness death poured Insecticides upset harm choice using some of the machines being taken limits remove sending

17 What can we do to make our city cleaner and more beautiful?
DISCUSSION Is Shanghai polluted? What can we do to make our city cleaner and more beautiful?

18 SUGGESTIONS Government: make laws to fight pollution Factories:
clean their water before sending it out/not let out dirty smoke into the air Cars/buses: use a new kind of fuel--- not pollute the air People: plant more trees/use paper bags/not use plastic bags/keep cans and bottles for recycling

19 So everybody should remember:
A lot of damage has already been done to the earth, including pollution, nuclear waste, radiation and so on. We are also aware that there is only one earth for us. So the idea that everyone should keep in his or her mind is stopping any damage to the world and saving the earth.

20 Homework Now you are a reporter from the 21st Century ,
when you are making a social survey in your home town, you see some factories in your home town are seriously polluting the air and the water. The environment is not well protected. You are going to Interview a government official and write a report about what you see. You are supposed to tell the importance of stopping the pollution and protecting the environment. Now do the interview first in pairs and then make an oral report according to the following pictures.


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