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Environment Florida F.C.A.

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1 Environment Florida F.C.A

2 About Environment Florida
•Environment Florida is an organization that strives to keep the people informed of what is going on in our environment. They also help to keep oil drillers off our shores. They also helped to save the animals that were stranded in the oil spill.

3 News Energy Efficient Buildings Would Reduce Global Warming Pollution, Save Florida Families $590 Annually Florida families could save $590 every year on their electricity bills by 2030 if the government invests in the energy efficiency of our buildings today, according to a new report by Environment Florida. Saving energy in our buildings would also help Florida’s fight against global warming, reducing global warming pollution from buildings by 35 percent—the equivalent of taking 12.6 million cars off the road or shutting down 15 coal-fired power plants.

4 Take Action The Florida Department of Environmental Protection is on the verge of issuing a permit that just may begin the unravelling of Florida's wetland protections. Highlands Ranch Mitigation Bank has a long history, but in short it is a $15 million pine plantation in poor quality that The Carlyle Group and Hassan & Lear Acquisitions hope to transform into a wetlands mitigation bank.  There are a lot of problems with the proposal, starting with the number of "credits" they want to be able to sell to developers who need to make up for projects that destroy wetlands.  It also fails to demonstrate the project's chances of success or how long it will take before wetlands on the site become healthy, functioning ecosystems. Wetlands are literally the lifeblood of our state:  keeping our drinking water supplies clean and plentiful, providing critical habitat and refuge for wildlife, and playing a vital role fostering the tourism and recreation engines of our economy.  Let Governor Scott and DEP Secretary Herschel T. Vinyard know that you won't tolerate dismantling our wetland protections for the sake of short-sighted profits by entering your information below, and help us spread the word!

5 How You Can Help Fellowship
If you’re looking for the opportunity to organize, advocate and fight for the environment, apply to be a Fellow. Each year, Environment Florida and Environment America hire recent college graduates with the passion, the commitment and the talent it takes to stand up to polluting industries, organize support and fight for our environmental values.

6 Reference

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