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Database Management System

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1 Database Management System
Lecture - 27 © Virtual University of Pakistan

2 © Virtual University of Pakistan
Alter Table Statement Purpose is to make changes in the definition of a table already created through Create statement Can add, drop attributes or constraints, activate or deactivate constraints; the format is © Virtual University of Pakistan

3 © Virtual University of Pakistan
ALTER TABLE table { [ ALTER COLUMN column_name     { new_data_type [ ( precision [ , scale ] ) ]         [ NULL | NOT NULL ]     ]     | ADD         { [ < column_definition > ]         |  column_name AS computed_column_expression         } [ ,...n ]     | DROP         { [ CONSTRAINT ] constraint_name             | COLUMN column } [ ,...n ]     | { CHECK | NOCHECK } CONSTRAINT         { ALL | constraint_name [ ,...n ] } } © Virtual University of Pakistan

4 © Virtual University of Pakistan
Alter Table Command ALTER TABLE Student add constraint fk_st_pr foreign key (prName) references Program (prName) ALTER TABLE program add constraint ck_totSem check (totSem < 9) © Virtual University of Pakistan

5 Removing or Changing Attribute
ALTER TABLE student ALTER COLUMN stFName char(20) Alter table student drop column curSem drop constraint ck_st_pr © Virtual University of Pakistan

6 Removing Rows and Tables
TRUNCATE TABLE table_name Truncate table class Delete can also be used DROP TABLE table_name © Virtual University of Pakistan

7 Data Manipulation Language
Insert Select Update © Virtual University of Pakistan

8 © Virtual University of Pakistan
Insert Statement To insert records into tables INSERT [ INTO] table       {    [ ( column_list ) ]         { VALUES             ( { DEFAULT | NULL | expression } [ ,...n] )          }     }     | DEFAULT VALUES © Virtual University of Pakistan

9 Database Management System
Lecture - 27 © Virtual University of Pakistan

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