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STORAGE – 3 TIERS Key Revision Points.

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Presentation on theme: "STORAGE – 3 TIERS Key Revision Points."— Presentation transcript:

1 STORAGE – 3 TIERS Key Revision Points

2 INTRODUCTION Anywhere the computer stores data, instructions or programs is storage This includes memory as it is required for temporary storage Programs a loaded into RAM when run Registers in the CPU store memory addresses, instructions, data or results of calculations There are 3 tiers (levels) of storage

3 PRIMARY Memory the CPU can access quickly – sometimes called the Immediate Access Store Fastest type of storage In speed (and size) order: Registers Cache RAM and ROM Most primary storage is volatile

4 SECONDARY Where data (programs, user files) are stored when not in use
Much slower read/write times than primary storage Also called auxiliary storage On most computers this is the hard drive Also includes Optical Media, SD Cards, Solid State Drives, USB Flash Drives* Secondary Storage is non-volatile NOT USB NOT CD Drive, DVD Drive, Card Reader

5 TERTIARY Used for long term storage of data – archiving and backup
Magnetic tape is commonly used Massive capacity but… Very slow read/write access

6 Textbook Textbook page 6

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