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Bacterial Anatomy Composed of a Cell Wall Cell Membrane Cytoplasm

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1 Bacterial Anatomy Composed of a Cell Wall Cell Membrane Cytoplasm
Some bacteria have distinctive structures, such as flagella, capsules, and outer membranes Capsule: (glycocalyx) an additional (optional) outer covering; protects against drying or harsh chemicals & host body's white blood cells, which would otherwise engulf (eat) it

2 Structure Flagella: whip-like structure used for movement
Pili: (pilus) short, hair-like protein structures found on the surface of some species of bacteria  Help bacteria hold on to host cells & can be used to transfer genetic material from one bacterium to another

3 Structure Have a single chromosome: DNA in single closed loop
May also have small loops of additional genes: plasmids Prokaryotes have lots of ribosomes, but no organelles with membranes Do not have mitochondria or chloroplasts so use cell membranes to carry out cellular respiration or photosynthesis

4 Structure A spore is a dormant structure that is produced by Gram-positive bacterial species that are exposed to harsh environmental conditions. Cell is encased in a protective covering. Makes them VERY hard to kill! When conditions improve they break open & resume producing new bacteria cells This bacterium has formed an ENDOSPORE Difference between “disinfect” and “sterilize”?

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