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Classroom Rules Mrs. Grimm 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom Rules Mrs. Grimm 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom Rules Mrs. Grimm 2015

2 General Behavior Be nice and respectful to each other
Be nice and respectful to your teacher and other school staff Be respectful of the property others Keep your hands to yourself Cooperate with others No spitting, hitting, poking, kicking, or pushing

3 Classroom Behavior Pay attention in class
Raise your hand before speaking Listen more, talk less Stay in your seat during lectures/discussions Clean up after yourself No food or drink in the computer labs Stand or sit by your computer to wait for dismissal

4 School Work Good effort is expected at all times
Turn in your work on time Be sure to talk to the TEACHER about make up work after an absence Use the lab before/after school to catch up/stay caught up Remember deadlines for make up work

5 Computer Issues Report any computer issues to the teacher
Do not modify computer settings: background, sounds, etc. No one is to be on the internet without teacher permission: that includes , social networks, etc. No computer games without teacher permission No flash drives except for school work Do not attempt any downloading from the internet without teacher permission

6 Responsibility YOU are responsible for: Your behavior
Getting to class on time Knowing what your assignments are Asking questions as needed Asking for your make-up work after an absence Turning your work in on time Your own success

7 Other Do not leave the classroom without permission
Sign out/sign back in when you do leave the room NO BACKPACKS allowed in the classroom Be aware of what to do in case of emergencies: fire, tornado, lock down. Disciplinary steps may include: Time after school Parents notified Sent to the office Detention room Other consequences

8 Determination

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