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Chapter 8 Primate Behavior

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1 Chapter 8 Primate Behavior

2 Semi-free-ranging environment
Studying Primates Captive study Semi-free-ranging environment Field study

3 The Evolution of Primate Social Behavior
Proximate causes: hormonal or physiological reason to act Deeper, evolved strategies: shaped over millions of years of natural and sexual selection

4 The Evolution of Primate Social Behavior (cont’d)
Social Behavior and Reproductive Asymmetry Female philopatry Male philopatry

5 Philopatry Female Philopatry the most common form.
Male Philopatry found among Chimps and Bonobos.

6 The Evolution of Primate Social Behavior (cont’d)
Male Reproductive Strategies Dominance Female Reproductive Strategies Sexual Receptivity signals

7 Why are Nonhuman Primates Social?
The Paradox of Sociality Access to Mates Food Avoiding Predators

8 Why are Nonhuman Primates Social? (cont’d)
Types of Nonhuman Primate Societies Solitary Monogamy Polygyny One-male Multimale Fission-Fusion Polygyny Polyandry

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