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MTT Competency 007: K-L Study Guide

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1 MTT Competency 007: K-L Study Guide
By Rene Rodriguez, Jr. EDTC Dr. J. Butler

2 Competency 007 The master technology teacher demonstrates knowledge of instructional design, development, and assessment in a technology-enhanced environment. Incorporates technology into lesson plans Develops strategies that facilitate learning Assesses technology The MTT guides teachers on how incorporate technology into their lessons. MTT’s develop and advise teachers about strategies that will facilitate learning. The MTT knows how to assess technology and provides support to teachers that want to assess their technology.

3 The Master Technology Teacher….
K. Demonstrates knowledge of theories and factors that affect learning in technology-enhanced environments (e.g.,students’ developmental stages and characteristics). The MTT is knowledgeable of theories and factors that can affect students learning in technology environments.

4 Theories and factors that can affect the way a student learns.
Three types of learner interaction: Learner-content (the student interacts solely with what information he/she reads.) Learner-instructor (the primary interaction is with the instructor. ) Learner-learner (the student primarily interacts with his peers to learn new material.) Moore states that there are three types of learner interactions. Learner-content where the student interacts with information he or she has read. Learner-instructor where the student does his or her learning through the instructor and learner-learner where the student learns new materials for his or her peers.

5 Theories that impact learning technology
Constructivism Behaviorism With constructivism, students construct their own knowledge through collaboration and inquiry-based learning. Behaviorism says that all organisms including acting, thinking, and feeling can and should be regarded as behaviors. Cognitivism looks beyond behavior explain brain-based learning. Cognitivism

6 Factors that can improve learning through technology
Easy-to-access course materials Student motivation Wide participation Improved student writing Subjects made easier to learn Teachers are able to post course material on a website, where students can easily access this material. Computer-based instruction allow for instant feedback and help students correct their answers thus, improving student motivation. Wide participation allows for long distance learning on the web. Students can improve their writing by editing their work on a computer. Technology can make learning easier for all subjects by providing many different kinds of educational software.

7 Students developmental stages
The Developmental Stages of Erick Erickson 1.infancy: birth to 18 months 2.Early childhood: 18 month to 3yrs. 3. Play Age: 3 to 5 years 4. School Age: 6 to 12 years( Ego Development Outcome: Industry Vs.Inferiority)

8 Continuation 5.Adolescence: 12-18years( ego Development Outcome: identity Vs. Role confusion) 6. Young Adulthood: 18 to 35( Intimacy and Solidarity Vs. Isolation) 7.Middle Adulthood: 35 to 55 or 65 ( ego Development Outcome: Generativity Vs. Self Absorption or Stagnation 8.Late Adulthood:55 or 65 to death(Ego development Outcome: Integrity Vs. Despair)

9 Prior to completion of grade 2 students will be able to:
Use input devices (e.g., mouse, keyboard, remote control) and output devices (e.g., monitor, printer) to successfully operate computers, VCRs, audiotapes, and other technologies. Use a variety of media and technology resources for directed and independent learning activities. Communicate about technology using developmentally appropriate and accurate terminology. Use developmentally appropriate multimedia resources (e.g., interactive books, educational software, elementary multimedia encyclopedias) to support learning. Work cooperatively and collaboratively with peers, family members, and others when using technology in the classroom.

10 Continuation Demonstrate positive social and ethical behaviors when using technology. Practice responsible use of technology systems and software. Create developmentally appropriate multimedia products with support from teachers, family members, or student partners. Use technology resources (e.g., puzzles, logical thinking programs, writing tools, digital cameras, drawing tools) for problem solving, communication, and illustration of thoughts, ideas, and stories. Gather information and communicate with others using telecommunications, with support from teachers, family members, or student partners.

11 The Master Technology Teacher….
L. Demonstrates knowledge of current research on and strategies for planning and designing classroom learning environments that effectively integrate technology, including available assistive technologies and accessible design concepts for electronic media development.

12 The Master Technology Teacher….
Continues to research new ideas Implements strategies for utilizing technology Researches ideas for planning and designing a tech environment Assistive technologies for special populations The MTT will continue to do research on how to plan and design an environment where technology can be effectively utilized and to keep himself updated with the latest assistive technologies.

13 Assistive Technology Online dictionaries Braille printer
Braille Keyboards Joysticks Trackballs Text-to-Speech programs Keyboards with large keys Braille printer Electronic dictionaries Voice output devices Voice recognition software CD-based textbooks Text reading software

14 What is electronic media?
Broadcast or storage media that take advantage of electronic technology. Television Radio Internet Fax CD-ROMs DVD

15 <a href=" Wants to be a Millionaire Review Game</a>

16 Credits Read more:

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