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Improve Your Vocabulary

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1 Improve Your Vocabulary
Compare and Contrast EDIT 732 Afua Gyasi Kim Monti Kimberly Amin The two sites that we chose both work on improving the learner’s vocabulary. KA

2 Objectives Using the Objectivist/Constructivist Paradigm - Comparison Matrix, we will: Demonstrate that Quizlet is an example of an objectivist learning environment Demonstrate that Visual Thesaurus is an example of a constructivist environment Because we used the Objectivist/Constructivist Paradigm – Comparison Matrix, we will be reviewing characteristics of: the learner, the teacher, the learning context, the learning activity, the content, and the assessment. We will be providing screen shots and demonstrations of these learning environments as we progress through the presentation. KA

3 “Created by a high school student, Quizlet is a free, web-based tool designed to help students learn and practice vocabulary” (eSchoolNews) The average age of the user is 17 years old. Students can create their own lists of vocabulary words and their corresponding definitions, or use existing sets of vocabulary words that other users created. By using Quizlet’s online tools, students can master vocabulary words. KA

4 The Visual Thesaurus® is developed and published by Thinkmap, Inc., which develops and markets software that uses visualization to facilitate communication, learning, and discovery. Visual Thesaurus allows the learner to enter a word to the electronic thesaurus. It graphically displays the word entered by the user and that word’s relationship to other words. VT is open to a wide range of learners of all ages including teachers, students, writers, and professionals, etc. KA

5 The Learner Quizlet Visual Thesaurus
The learner is able to choose from several stimulus/response activities where they can learn vocabulary. The learner is reactive to the stimuli. (Ertmer & Newby) Visual Thesaurus User can explore word maps to achieve a better understanding of a word. Create meaning from experience (Ertmer & Newby) AG

6 Quizlet Flashcards AG

7 Quizlet Learn AG Learner must provide correct response after being given stimulus in the form of a definition

8 Visual Thesaurus Word Map
AG After entering a word, the learner can then drill down to the desired synonym.

9 Visual Thesaurus Drill Down
From effervescent, we clicked on scintillating to fine tune our search. AG

10 The Teacher Quizlet Visual Thesaurus
“Call and response” type learning (eSchoolNews) Provides the stimuli in the form of a vocabulary quiz or test Displays the score as the learner progresses Present stimuli and positive reinforcement (Ertmer & Newby) Visual Thesaurus Allows the learner to explore the word graphically Presents the same information in multiple ways Can customize interface to make learning relevant Align and design experiences for the leaner, so that authentic, relevant, context can be experienced. (Ertmer & Newby) Quizlet: Call and Response type learning with flashcards for learner to familiarize themselves with words and definitions and written questions with feedback to practice. VT: The initial word and the synonyms are displayed graphically with definitions for each of the synonyms becoming available when the mouse rolls over them. VT provides relationships to other words that are one way or the other related to the word being defined KM

11 The Learning Context Quizlet Visual Thesaurus
Familiarization of meanings using electronic tools such as flashcards Feedback is provided for practice and testing knowledge People learn best when they know the correctness of their efforts (Wilson & Meyers) Visual Thesaurus Explore words to discover their meaning through interactive mapping and visual tools. The mind produces mental models that explain to the knower what he or she has perceived. (Jonassen) Quizlet: User can create vocabulary sets by entering words and then definitions. Site then creates a variety of activities allowing the learner to use flashcards to familiarize themselves with word and definition. Written questions with feedback are also provided for practice and testing knowledge, which will be demonstrated when we discuss the learning activities. Visual Thesaurus: A map of these relationships is provided with different types of branches signifying the type of relationship. The map can be viewed in 2D or 3D to demonstrate the strength of the relationship between the original word and related terms, which will be demonstrated when we discuss the learning activities. KM

12 The Learning Activity Quizlet Visual Thesaurus
Familiarization of definitions using flashcards Testing of knowledge using written questions, true/false, matching, and multiple choice Recalling facts, illustrating concepts, applying explanations (Ertmer & Newby) Visual Thesaurus Words are defined by linking them graphically to other words that are related Learners can explore by scrolling over words and word relationships to see their connection Provides generative knowledge construction or “tool kits” embedded in relevant learning environments that facilitate knowledge construction (Jonassen) Demonstration -- KA

13 The Content Quizlet Visual Thesaurus
Vocabulary is learned through repetitive trial and error (drill and practice, memorize) Written questions or “Learn” mode prompts learners for response Visual Thesaurus Vocabulary is learned through the visual display of the initial word, their parts of speech, pronunciation, meaning and usage, and relationships to other words. AG

14 The Assessment Quizlet
The “Learn” mode tracks results, retesting learner on words the learner has difficulty with “Play Scatter” is a timed game matching the words to their definitions In the “Test” mode, the learner can re-test themselves once answers are submitted and feedback is provided. When a stimulus is presented to the learner and the learner responds with the correct response, they are given a positive reinforcement (Ertmer and Newby) Quizlet: Learn mode: Need exact answer to achieve correct feedback in the fill in the blank questions. KA Test mode: Learner will receive same format for test, but questions will be different. (mixed)

15 Quizlet Play Scatter In Quizlet’s Play Scatter, you are timed to see how quickly you can match the scattered words and definitions. At the end of play, you are encouraged to play again in order to beat your previous time. KA

16 Quizlet Test The Quizlet test can be in the form of fill-in-the-blank, matching, multiple choice or True/False. At the end of the test, you are given a score. KA

17 The Assessment Visual Thesaurus
There is no assessment imposed by the website, but the learner is able to make a judgment about whether or not the search has yielded the desired response There is no distinction between being right or wrong. The learner is allowed to explore various aspects of a word as much as possible. … how learners build knowledge rather than focusing on a single indicator or product of learning such as a test (Dabbagh & Bannan-Ritland paraphrasing Jonassen) AG

18 Summary Based on the fact that Quizlet provides stimulus/response learning it lends itself to be more objectivist Visual Thesaurus affords the learner with the opportunity to explore definitions to construct their own meaning, thus making this learning environment constructivist. KM

19 References Dabbagh, N. & Bannan-Ritland, B. (2005). Online Learning: Concepts, Strategies, and Application. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. Ertmer, P. A. & Newby, T. J. (1993). Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism: Comparing Critical Features from an Instructional Design Perspective. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 6 (4), eSchool News Online (2007). Site of the Week for Wednesday, April 25, Retrieved September 30, 2007 from Jonassen, D. H. (1991). Objectivism versus Constructivism: Do We Need a New Philosophical Paradigm? Educational Technology Research and Development, 39 (3), 5-13. Retrieved September 30, 2007 from Retrieved September 30, 2007 from Wilson, B. G. & Myers, K. M. (2000). Situated Cognition in Theoretical and Practical Context. In D. Jonassen & S. Land (Eds.), Theoretical Foundation of Learning Environments (57-88). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

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