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Communicating with Avatar Bodies

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1 Communicating with Avatar Bodies
Francesca Barrientos Computer Science UC Berkeley 8 July 1999 HCC Research Retreat Introduce myself Define avatar Avatar represents a human Imagine a seriousmeeting in a virtual environment Then your avatar becomes your virtual body Nonverbal communicative behaviors in the real-world ----- Consider using avatars as the medium through with communicate What kind of communicative power to do you have now that you didn’t have before

2 Avatar worlds ComicChat Oz blaxxun State of the art
Mostly text-based chat blaxxun

3 Nonverbal behaviors Gesture Proxemics Posture Facial expression Gaze
Context Appearance ...

4 Previous approaches (Nivi waves to Harry.) Natural
Language Inference Expression selection Automatic animation

5 Beyond chat Interfaces for controlling animation of nonverbal behaviors verbal communication through audio continuous control Understand how user movements translate onto avatar bodies Also say something about research plan here

6 Importance of synchrony
Part of meaning of gesture comes from its co-ocurrence with speech Rhythm, flow, stroke, force, shape…

7 Kinematic mapping

8 Evaluation Depends on task Ease of use Expressive satisfaction
Level of interaction engagement Emergent communicative behaviors

9 Explore design space

10 Network issues Synchronizing control and audio data

11 Summary Avatars allow communication using surrogate bodies
Gesture and speech are coexpressive Design tool: virtual prototypes for PRoP design

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