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Literary Devices.

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Presentation on theme: "Literary Devices."— Presentation transcript:

1 Literary Devices

2 Imagery Words or phrases that appeal to one or more of the five senses
(sight, sound, touch, taste, smell) Writers use imagery to describe their characters and setting Example: The leaves wet with crystallized dew, smelt of fresh summer days...

3 Mood Mood is the feeling created in the reader while they read the selection. Writers use many devices to create mood, including images, dialogue, setting, and plot.

4 Tone Tone is a reflection of a writers or speakers attitude toward a subject. Tone may be communicated through words and details that express particular emotions and that evoke an emotional response (MOOD) from the reader.

5 Flashback An earlier episode, conversation, or event that is inserted into the sequence of events Often flashbacks are presented as a memory of the narrator or of another character. Example: When she saw the old doll in the attic, it took me back to the day it was given to me by my grandmother.

6 Foreshadowing Foreshadowing is the author’s use of clues to hint at what might happen later in the story. Writers use foreshadowing to build their readers’ expectations and to create suspense. This is used to help readers prepare for what is to come.

7 Foreshadowing Examples:
Sam wished he could rid himself of the sick feeling in his gut that told him something terrible was going to happen.

8 Metaphor Comparing two or more things by saying one is another. Using a form of to be- is, are, was, has Hurry up, time is money Her soft voice was music to Andy’s ears Life is a rollercoaster, which everyone must go through He has a heart of gold

9 Simile Comparing two or more things using “like” or “as”
My father is as brave as a lion My sister laughs like a hyena My heart is as cold as ice I am as sly as a fox

10 Personification Giving human characteristics to non-human things
Examples: Death wandered the battlefield. The refrigerator beckoned me to open it and eat. I heard the wind whispering my name.

11 Alliteration Alliteration is the repetition of sounds, most often consonant sounds, at the beginning of words. Alliteration gives emphasis to words. Example: The pleasant prince pleaded for peace.

12 Hyperbole Using over exaggeration to express a point Examples:
Why are you doing that when there are a million other things to do?

13 Symbolism The use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities.
A figure of speech where an object, person, or situation has another meaning other than its literal meaning.  The actions of a character, word, action, or event that have a deeper meaning in the context of the whole story.  

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