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About 85,700 vehicle repair technicians are employed in state.

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1 About 85,700 vehicle repair technicians are employed in state.
(EDD, 2005) By far the most common solvent delivery system is the aerosol can. Read slide. Aerosol cans are an efficient way to apply solvent and technicians rely on them for all degreasing purposes, including during brake work, such as is being done here. It is not unusual for a technician to use 6 to 10, 19 oz cans of solvent every day, five days a week. They deliver solvent for about 90 seconds and are then tossed.

2 Chemical demographic data gap:
Unable to identify sales trends, volumes in commerce, use locations or suppliers of hexane-based products in the vehicle repair industry. Here we want to understand what the potential risk of peripheral neuropathy might be for the population of mechanics performing brake work at exposure levels resulting from solvent use at the state mean level, and among the pop of mechanics I sampled. This mask by the way was for my benefit only. He pulled it out of a back drawer full of gunk and put it on, incorrectely as you can see.

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