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Human Biology & Health Chapter 4.2 Pages

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1 Human Biology & Health Chapter 4.2 Pages 107-111
Blood Vessels Human Biology & Health Chapter 4.2 Pages

2 Pages 107-108½ What is an Artery?
A blood vessel that carries blood AWAY from the heart What is the largest artery? Where do Coronary arteries carry blood? Why is it important for arteries to be flexible? What are you feeling when you take your pulse? The expansion and relaxation of the artery wall, caused by your heartbeat

3 Page 109 What happens in Capillaries?
Materials are exchanged between the blood and the body cells List 3 things that are transferred through Capillaries. Oxygen, Glucose and Carbon Dioxide Describe the thickness of Capillaries. Capillaries are only 1 cell thick

4 Page 110 Define Diffusion. The movement of substances from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration What do Veins do? Veins carry blood back to the heart. How does blood flow through Veins? Smooth muscle in veins helps push blood along; skeletal muscles near your veins push the blood when you move; some veins have valves that prevent blood from flowing backwards.

5 Pages 110 & 111 Define Pressure.
The force something exerts over a given area What is Blood Pressure? Why is Blood Pressure lower in capillaries? Capillaries are like the back roads to your house, while arteries/ veins are the major highways. Many cars drive on the highway, but very few take the roads in your neighborhood. Explain what the numbers in 120/80 mean for blood pressure. The 120 is the pressure during contraction of the heart, while the 80 is when the heart relaxes.

6 Exit Pass Why is blood pressure in your capillaries lower than in your arteries? Explain by using cars on a highway as an example.

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