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A tree, a man, the life A tale of a forest. World Forest Day We celebrate World Forest Day around the world on 21 March, the day of the vernal equinox.

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Presentation on theme: "A tree, a man, the life A tale of a forest. World Forest Day We celebrate World Forest Day around the world on 21 March, the day of the vernal equinox."— Presentation transcript:

1 A tree, a man, the life A tale of a forest

2 World Forest Day We celebrate World Forest Day around the world on 21 March, the day of the vernal equinox in the Northern hemisphere and autumn equinox in the Southern hemisphere (vernal-related to or occuring in spring; youthful, fresh like spring)

3 Key words a FOREST a RAINFOREST - a forest with high rainfall (between 1,75 and 2 metres of the minimum a year) a HIGH CLOUD FOREST - a tropical or subtropical evergreen montane forest, it has a cloud cover at the canopy level (montane- on a mountain; a canopy level- a roof level)


5 MANGROVE SWAMPS /FORESTS - coastal wetlands in tropical or subtropical regions -mangroves are halophytic-salt loving- trees and plants and live there where fresh water meets salt water a FLOODED FOREST or a freshwater swamp forest - fresh water covers this forest permanently or seasonally (Lonjsko Polje, for instance)


7 Rainforests Cover only a small part of the Earths surface – about 6%, yet they are home to over half the species of plants and animals in the world

8 Often called Jewels of Earth or Worlds largest Pharmacy because over 25% of natural medicines have been discovered there

9 Central America Recently have been cleared for cattle ranching and sugar cane plantations Contains many plants and animals, especially a large number of tropical birds including many kinds of parrots CITRON CRESTED COCKATOO

10 The Amazon Jungle Worlds largest tropical rainforest It covers the basin of the Amazon river 20% of all the worlds plants and birds and about 10% of all mammal species are found there

11 Central Africa Central Africa holds the worlds second largest rainforest To the SE, the large island of Madagascar had many forests some time ago, but now most of them are gone Africa contains areas of high cloud forests, mangrove swamps and flooded forests FLOODED FOREST - MADAGASCAR

12 Southern Asia The rainforests of Asia stretch from India and Burma in the west to Malaysia and the islands of Java in the east Bangladesh has the largest area of mangrove forests in the world

13 Vegetation of the rainforests in the mainland Asia depends on torrential monsoon rain followed by a drier period (torrential rain- heavy, continuous rain with potential to flood; monsoon- seasonal revearsing wind)

14 Australia Millions of years ago, Australia, New Zealand and the island of New LAKE TERAWERA-NEW ZEALAND Guinea formed a great forested Southern continent isolated from the rest of the world Today these countries contain many different species of animals that occur nowhere else Undergrowth in Australias tropical forests is dense (very thick) and lush (very rich)

15 Life of Australia You may know kangaroos, koalas, platypuses and dingos but there are also wombats, emus, cuscuses, goannas and many, many more... An interesting fact is when you arrive to any part of Australia from any part of the world or other parts of Australia, you have to clean your shoes in order not to threaten its vegetation and animal world in any way (by bringing different microorganisms or bacterias)


17 Strange trees: A Baobab tree Often called the Tree of Life It is capable of providing shelter, food and water for the animal and human inhabitants of the African savannah regions Radio-carbon dating has measured that some of Baobab trees are over 2 000 years old

18 Strange trees: A Sequoia tree Common names include Coast Redwood or California Redwood It is an evergreen, long-lived, gigantic tree up to 2 000 years old It is considered the tallest tree in the world reaching up to 115,5m in height and 7m in diameter in base

19 Lets remember! What is a rainforest? And whats a high cloud forest? What is a mangrove tree? And whats a flooded forest? Whats the worlds largest rainforest? And the second largest? Where can you find rainforests with completely strange animals? What is the oldest tree in the world? What is the tallest tree in the world? How can you help us save the trees?

20 You can help by clicking! clickToGive/home.faces?siteId=4 clickToGive/home.faces?siteId=4

21 THANK YOU! Lara&Morena Ivana, Filip&Norman Lucija,Ana-Marija&Mihaela Patricija&Mateja Danijela Medaković, učitelj

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