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PSL Pqube 3/3e VFD monitoring

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1 PSL Pqube 3/3e VFD monitoring
Prague June 7th, 2018

2 LV VFD Testing Measuring Ripple Ratio
Can this measurement be used to detect early failure?

3 Test Plan Start the drive and load up to full load
Capture the following All AC parameters, V, A, Hz, PF Harmonics DC Bus Average and Peak Ripple (modified PQube3 software) Power down the drive Remove approximately 25% of the Capacitance Power up the Drive Return to Full Load Capture data Repeat

4 Results

5 LV Next Steps Convince our friends at HCWA to use Ripple Ratio on their VFD’s (using PQubes today) Gather test data on a wider range of drives and report Determine predictive algorithm Install on other inverters

6 MV VFD Following on from October testing Installation Noisy signals
Install MV shielded cable PSL / EMA made cable Review previous data

7 Installation

8 Installation Custom install Took about 6 hours to complete
MV training a MUST!

9 PQube 3e Test Data 4160V:120 PT’s 200A CT’s VAT1-4000 Attenuators
VAT1 installed in output (noisy section) Ripple can be seen

10 Thank You!

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