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MSP432™ MCUs Training Part 6: Analog Peripherals

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1 MSP432™ MCUs Training Part 6: Analog Peripherals
ADC14 COMP_E REF Welcome to part six of the MSP432 MCU Training series. In this section we will cover the analog peripherals including the ADC14, the Comparator E and the Reference Module.

2 + ADC14 | Overview 14-bit Accuracy 32-input channels
INL <= +/- 2 LSB; DNL <= +/- 1 LSB ENOB 13-bit 32-input channels Single-ended & differential Inputs 2 Window comparators High interrupt Low interrupt In [Between] interrupt Separate internal channels for AVcc and TempSensor Ultra Low current consumption Single ended 1.8V, 1Msps Differential 1.8V, 1Msps ADC14 Memory Registers A/D Converter REF Voltage Select Sample / Hold I/P Multiplexer A1 A2 A4 A3 BATT TEMP MOD Clock Starting with ADC 14, it is a 1 mega sample 14-bit ADC that provides high performance, high resolution while maintaining low power consumption. In terms of accuracy, the ADC 14 achieves extremely low INL and DNL errors while maintaining extremely high enough at more than 13-bit. While using in differential mode, there are 32 input channels that can be used in either single-ended or differential input modes. The ADC14 also includes 2 window comparators, there are two separate channels that can be used to monitor the supply voltage or AVcc as well as an internal temperature sensor. As mentioned earlier, while providing a high performance, high resolution ADC, this module obtains extremely low power consumption with single ended mode it consumes 210uA at 1.8V and 1Msps while the differential mode consumes 260uA at 1.8V at 1Msps.

3 ... ADC14 | New Features Reference 32-input channels 14-bit ADC Core
Internal Channel Mapping = New Feature = Enhanced Feature Reference external internal 01 Enhanced Clock 14-bit ADC Core external Differential Measurement internal 32-input channels 01 external internal 01 The ADC14 is the next revolution of the ADC modules in the MSP Family. Comparing to the ADC12 which is a 12-bit resolution ADC popular on several MSP430 devices, there are many new features that were introduced on the ADC14. First off let’s take a look at the window comparator. ADC14 introduces a 14 bit window comparator and this feature is extremely useful for particular applications that need to monitor an analog signal to check when it falls within or outside a certain range. Traditionally you would have to constantly monitor the signal, perform the sample in conversion and then compare in software to see if it falls within the range or outside the range. Using the window comparator, you could configure the input threshold levels, high and the low thresholds and the ADC14 will continuously convert the result and internally compare the sample result against the threshold. It will trigger the interrupts depending on whether it falls below, between or higher than the window. So this is very useful to keep the device low power, since no CPU activity is required until the analog signal falls within the range of interest. Enhanced ADC Memory 14-bit Window Comparator ... Interrupt

4 ADC14 | Window Comparator
Internal Channel Mapping 01 32-input channels 14-bit ADC Core Enhanced ADC Memory 14-bit Window Comparator Enhanced Clock Reference external internal Differential Measurement Interrupt ... = New Feature = Enhanced Feature Set ADC14INIFG Set ADC14HIIFG Set ADC14LOIFG ADC14HI threshold ADC14LO threshold Configurable input threshold levels Conversion results automatically compared against the thresholds Hi, Lo, and In interrupts indicate which range the result falls in Same thresholds shared among all channels Useful for low power because device can stay in sleep mode until result falls in window In this example below, we have an analog signal that is being monitored and after we have programmed the high and the low threshold of the window comparator depending on whether you want to enable, below, between or above interrupt you can set the flag to trigger the CPU to wake up when the signal falls within the right range. So as you can see at the moment the signal will set the ADC in between flag, as the signal rises above threshold, it could set the high flag, then again the in between flag and the low flag. 14-bit Window Comparator

5 ADC14 | Window Comparator Example
Set ADC14HIIFG ADC14HI threshold ADC14LO threshold Set ADC14INIFG (The next enhancement that was introduced to ADC14 is the Differential measurement. This feature could be quite handy if you want to monitor two signals and measure the difference between the two signals. Traditionally again, CPU is required to invoke the two measurements and use CPU to compute the difference and determine whether that is of interest. With the Differential Measurement feature you can configure the ADC14 to automatically measure two channels, measure the difference and store that difference directly into the ADC memory register. Set ADC14LOIFG

6 ADC14 | Differential Measurement
Internal Channel Mapping 01 32-input channels 14-bit ADC Core Enhanced ADC Memory 14-bit Window Comparator Enhanced Clock Reference external internal Differential Measurement Interrupt ... = New Feature = Enhanced Feature VREF+ VREF- A1 A2 A1 voltage A2 voltage Difference ADC14MEMx Register Combine input channels to create differential input channels ADC will measure the difference between two channels and store this value in the ADC14MEMx register Differential Measurement Next we have another feature that is new to ADC14 that is Internal Channel Mapping. So traditionally on ADC12 modules there are some dedicated external as well as some dedicated internal channels. Some of the internal channels are temperature sensors as well as ADC monitor channel. So sometimes for certain applications that require absolutely as many input channels as possible it can be inconvenient that some channels are fixed. With this in mind ADC14 introduces the channel mapping capability that gives you the flexibility whether or not to use an internal or external channel

7 ADC14 | Internal Channel Mapping
01 32-input channels 14-bit ADC Core Enhanced ADC Memory 14-bit Window Comparator Enhanced Clock Reference external internal Differential Measurement Interrupt ... = New Feature = Enhanced Feature Internal Channel Mapping 01 ... A26-31 can map to either an External Input or Internal ADC input Internal inputs include the temperature sensor and battery monitor See the device datasheet to see what internal inputs are available on what channels – varies by device That way if you want to use an internal temperature sensor you can. Or if you have a better source of higher resolution temperature sensor externally, you can also choose to use the same channel but with external input

8 ADC14 | Other enhancements
Internal Channel Mapping 01 32-input channels 14-bit ADC Core Enhanced ADC Memory 14-bit Window Comparator Enhanced Clock Reference external internal Differential Measurement Interrupt ... = New Feature = Enhanced Feature Some ADC12 implementations have up to 16 channels More clock sources, including: MODOSC = 25MHz SYSOSC = 5MHz 32 ADC14MEMx registers Enhanced Clock 32-input channels There are some other enhancements that have been introduced to ADC14 for example, now we have up to 32 input channels, this is a big increased compared to some ADC12 implementations with only 16 channels. The clock is also enhanced to set more sources. Since the ADC14 operates at up to 1Msps, it requires a much higher clock. The higher clock source for ADC14 is MODOSC which can run up to 25MHz . However, when ADC14 runs at a lower sample rate such as 200Ksps it does not require higher clock source, a slower clock sources such as SYSOSC running at 5MHz can be used. This allows ADC14 to consume less power and be more efficient. Enhanced ADC Memory

9 Comp_E | Overview Interrupt driven for low power
Uses the REF module like ADC14 Up to 15 external input channels Ultra-low-power comparator mode Software selectable RC filter Selectable reference voltage generator Voltage Hysteresis generator Output internally connected to Timer A capture input (for event capture & capacitive touch implementations) The next analog module that MSP432 MCU introduces is the Comparator E. This is an ultra-low power comparator that has been introduced in previous MSP Families. The comparator E is created for ultra-low power consumption. It could be interrupt driven for low power operating modes. It has up to 15 external input channels and it also used the reference modules for the reference voltage. The output of the comparator E is also internally connected to the Time A capture input. This way you can create an event capture or use it for capacitive touch implementation. There are two instances of Comparator E provided in the MSP432P4xx Family

10 REF | Reference Module Generates voltage references for analog modules
1.2V, 1.45V, 2.5V Available on output pin Scale-able power options Static mode for high precision outputs Sampled mode for low-power operations Two operation modes: Continuous Mode: reference output continuously on Burst Mode: reference output on only during ADC conversions Two buffers to throttle power consumption: Large buffer for continuous mode or output VREF to pin Small buffer for burst mode Provides temp sensor channel for ADC Option to disable to minimize power The next analog module that is introduced in the MSP432 family is the reference module. The Reference Module is extremely flexible with different power as well as operating modes that the reference can be used to generate the voltage output for various analog modules. The different voltages are 1.2V, 1.45V and 2.5V. The reference could also be brought out to an external pin that can be used to drive external peripherals. As mentioned, the reference can be programmed in two different power modes. The static mode for high precision as well as sampled mode for low power operations. If the reference is only required for ADC conversion, it can be put in burst mode, where the reference output is only available during the conversions. However, if the reference output is also used to drive an external component it can be put on the continuous mode, to have it continuously on. Depending on the power mode, there are two buffers that can be used to throttle the power consumption. In burst mode where the reference module is only needed at certain times, a smaller buffer can be used. However, for driving an external component, a larger buffer is used. Knowing what your system requires can help you throttle the power consumption for your entire device. Similar to other MSP devices the reference module is also used to drive the power for the temperature sensor. This is the internal temperature sensor channel that the ADC can use to measure the internal temperature of the device. With this we have concluded the analog peripherals chapter of the MSP432 training. We have covered the 1Msps ADC module, the comparator E, as well as the highly flexible reference module on the MSP432. Thanks for watching!

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