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CH 3: Selecting the bid and choosing proposal team

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1 CH 3: Selecting the bid and choosing proposal team
PROPOSAL WRITING 402 18 January 2019 Lectured by: OR Vitou

2 Objectives Students will be able to
Make clear decision on whether or not to go for a bid Set a proposal team in order to win the bid Build on their knowledge of where to get more information on RFP or CFP 18 January 2019 Lectured by: OR Vitou

3 Contents Step I: Bid/No-Bid Analysis and Decision
Step II: The Proposal Team Where to look for market information 18 January 2019 Lectured by: OR Vitou

4 Step I: Bid/No-Bid Analysis and Decision
Bid decision criteria Does the proposal support your total marketing strategy? Is the project within your firm’s area of expertise? Do you have a competitive edge over the other firms? Do you know the client from previous work? Can you assemble and support an effective proposal team? Do you have a realistic chance in winning the proposal? 18 January 2019 Lectured by: OR Vitou

5 Step I: Bid/No-Bid Analysis and Decision (cont…)
Bid/no-bid analysis checklist Help you to decide whether to go for bid Prevent you from spending time and money pursuing jobs you have no chance of winning and winning the job you can’t perform Prevent you from underbid the cost or underestimate the time it would take to complete the project 18 January 2019 Lectured by: OR Vitou

6 Step I: Bid/No-Bid Analysis and Decision (cont…)
Why decline the bid in writing? (sent at least one week before the deadline) Let the bidder know you want to be considered for future jobs—or that you are not interested in future bids because the work is outside your area of expertise Give you a chance to highlight your company’s strengths Create goodwill for your company. The bidder may pass your name on to other firms looking for bids on their work 18 January 2019 Lectured by: OR Vitou

7 Step II: The Proposal Team
Sample of the team structure Proposal manager Coordinator: Research Team members Coordinator: Writing Coordinator: Program plan and budget Support staff, clerical help, other resources 18 January 2019 Lectured by: OR Vitou

8 Step II: The Proposal Team (con’t…)
Three elements to a successful proposal team A manager to oversee the process Team members with the requisite skills and knowledge and Separate facilities for the team away from their regular jobs 18 January 2019 Lectured by: OR Vitou

9 Step II: The Proposal Team (con’t…)
Proposal manger’s duties Recruit. organize, and direct the proposal planning team. This includes selecting coordinators to direct the activities of various groups involved in research, program development, time/cost analysis.. Obtain the services of consultants and cooperating firms (if needed) and define the teams’ responsibilities and roles Help the team analyze the RFP to determine the client’s needs Establish the proposal-planning schedule and assign tasks to individual members or team task groups Ensure that the team stays on track and within established guidelines and goals Review material submitted by team members 18 January 2019 Lectured by: OR Vitou

10 Step II: The Proposal Team (con’t…)
Proposal manger’s duties (con’t…) Maintain close contact with upper management to report on the team’s progress and results and to obtain added assistance when and where it is required Submit the draft proposal to top management Assemble the final proposal and act as liaison between top management, client management, and proposal team Oversee productive and delivery of the printed proposal and follow up to ensure top management and client received it Overall, build the team and help it stay on target. He or she must encourage communication among member, foster mutual trust, and strengthen the team’s commitment to achieve the goals of the proposal effort. 18 January 2019 Lectured by: OR Vitou

11 Step II: The Proposal Team (con’t…)
Coordinators’ duties Ensuring that the groups understand the overall goals and purpose of the proposal Preparing a detailed outline of their proposal section Assigning work tasks, setting page limits, and establishing work deadlines Using consultants/subcontractors or cooperating organizations as required and integrating their input in to the process Reviewing drafts and participating in management reviews draft material Incorporating review comments into the final section copy and integrating this copy into the total proposal Keeping the proposal manager apprised of the group’s progress and requesting assistance as necessary 18 January 2019 Lectured by: OR Vitou

12 Step II: The Proposal Team (con’t…)
Team members Generally drawn from the ranks of company personnel and are chosen from the specific contributions they can make to proposal preparations Sometimes you can add outside staff either through consultant agreement or teaming agreements 18 January 2019 Lectured by: OR Vitou

13 Step II: The Proposal Team (con’t…)
Proposal Development Specialist Required when a company has limited staff or funds to devote to a particular bid The specialist usually work solely for developing the proposal only 18 January 2019 Lectured by: OR Vitou

The client’s RFP, staff, and other materials Your own company’s knowledge, judgment, and experience Your company’s library, including swipe files (which contain studies, clippings, annual reports, past proposals, and other data that can be “swiped” for use in current proposals) Public information about the client and competitors Public and specialized databases Specialized research and information groups: Companies, associations, agencies, or groups specializing in marketing research and analysis Other media sources 18 January 2019 Lectured by: OR Vitou

15 END OF PRESENTATION… 18 January 2019 Lectured by: OR Vitou

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