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Amateur Extra Q & A Study Pool

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1 Amateur Extra Q & A Study Pool
Quiz 7 Click to start!

2 1. What is the effect of excessive phase noise in the local oscillator section of a
receiver? E4C01 A. It limits the receiver ability to receive strong signals B. It reduces the receiver sensitivity C. It decreases the receiver third-order intermodulation distortion dynamic range D. It can cause strong signals on nearby frequencies to interfere with reception of weak signals

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5 2. Which of the following is the result of the capture effect in an FM receiver? E4C02
A. All signals on a frequency are demodulated B. None of the signals could be heard C. The strongest signal received is the only demodulated signal D. The weakest signal received is the only demodulated signal

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8 3. The thermal noise value of a receiver is -174 dBm/Hz
3. The thermal noise value of a receiver is -174 dBm/Hz. What is the theoretically best minimum detectable signal for a 400 Hz bandwidth receiver? E4C06 A. 174 dBm B dBm C dBm D dBm

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11 4. Which of the following is most likely to be the limiting condition for sensitivity in a modern communications receiver operating at 14 MHz? E4C09 A. The noise figure of the RF amplifier B. Mixer noise C. Conversion noise D. Atmospheric noise

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14 5. Which of the following is a desirable amount of selectivity for an amateur single-sideband phone receiver? E4C11 A. 1 kHz B. 2.4 kHz C. 4.2 kHz D. 4.8 kHz

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17 6. What is meant by the blocking dynamic range of a receiver? E4D01
A. The difference in dB between the level of an incoming signal which will cause 1 dB of gain compression, and the level of the noise floor B. The minimum difference in dB between the levels of two FM signals which will cause one signal to block the other C. The difference in dB between the noise floor and the third order intercept point D. The minimum difference in dB between two signals which produce third order intermodulation products greater than the noise floor

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20 7. If a receiver tuned to MHz receives an intermodulation-product signal whenever a nearby transmitter transmits on MHz, what are the two most likely frequencies for the other interfering signal? E4D05 A MHz and MHz B MHz and MHz C MHz and MHz D MHz and MHz

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23 8. Why are third-order intermodulation products within a receiver of particular interest compared to other products? E4D11 A. The third-order product of two signals which are in the band is itself likely to be within the band B. The third-order intercept is much higher than other orders C. Third-order products are an indication of poor image rejection D. Third-order intermodulation produces three products for every input signal

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26 9. Which of the following can cause receiver desensitization? E4D13
A. Audio gain adjusted too low B. Strong adjacent-channel signals C. Audio bias adjusted too high D. Squelch gain adjusted too low

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