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What is Anti-semitism?.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Anti-semitism?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Anti-semitism?

2 Anti-Semitism common throughout Europe for centuries
There were poor Jews in Germany, but many were successful 16 per cent of lawyers 17 per cent of bankers 10,000 Jewish doctors

3 Nazis and the Jews, 1933–1939 Nazi anti-Semitism was clear but:
many who voted for them did not believe Nazi plans would happen (even some Jews) But Nazis were serious: boycott of Jewish businesses in April 1933 Der Stürmer propaganda But relatively little state organised persecution from 1933 to 1934 This changed in 1935

4 Timeline of Nazi action against Jews (1)
1933 April: Boycott of Jewish shops and businesses 1934 Increase in anti-Jewish propaganda

5 Timeline of Nazi action against Jews (2)
1935 May: Jews forbidden in army September: Nuremberg Laws Law for Protection of German Blood and Honour banned marriages or sex between Aryans and Jews Reich Citizenship Law made Jews subjects not citizens

6 Timeline of Nazi action against Jews (3)
1936 Reduction in persecution because of Berlin Olympics 1937 September: First Hitler speech for two years attacking Jews Aryanisation of businesses stepped up

7 Timeline of Nazi action against Jews (4)
1938 April: Jews had to register property June–July: Jewish doctors forbidden to treat Aryans October: Jews had passports stamped

8 Create this graph on a double page spread in your book
Life is getting worse Use a ruler and pencil for your graph Life is comfortable 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938

9 What did your graph look like? Why?
Life is getting worse Life is comfortable 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938

10 1933-1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 May: Jews forbidden in army
Many successful Jews, e.g. 16 per cent of lawyers One-day boycott of Jewish businesses, April 1933 Many who voted for Nazis did not believe Nazi plans would happen (even some Jews) Der Stürmer propaganda (1934) 1935 May: Jews forbidden in army September: Nuremberg Law 2 Reich Citizenship Law made Jews subjects not citizens September: Nuremberg Law 1 Law for Protection of German Blood and Honour banned marriages or sex between Aryans and Jews 1936 Reduction in persecution because of Berlin Olympics 1937 September: First Hitler speech for two years attacking Jews Aryanisation of businesses stepped up 1938 April: Jews had to register property October: Jews had passports stamped June–July: Jewish doctors forbidden to treat Aryans


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