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Microwave/Millimetre wave transport opportunities on the way to 5G

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1 Microwave/Millimetre wave transport opportunities on the way to 5G
Paolo Di Prisco Mobile Networks – Head of Microwave Product Strategy Today I‘ll share our vision regarding 5G network evolution and how uW/mmW transport opportunities can overcome some of the challenges for massive 5G deployment

2 Network shift towards 5G
RAN decomposition and Cloud shift RAN functions over multiple platforms (PNF and VNF) and higher interconnectivity due to new topologies  new X-Haul interfaces and X-Haul convergence Shift to edge cloud and central office/datacenter-like architecture  more complex interconnect New services Throughput increase (eMBB driven) up to x10 10/25Gbps F1/BH Nx25Gbps eCPRI Ultra-low latency down to 1ms E2E High reliability >99.999% Cloud RAN Edge Cloud Edge Cloud D-RAN Edge cloud Packet core, IMS, Analytics DISTRIBUTED CENTRALIZED Network densification High user density (> 150,000 subs/km2) implying increased connectivity between BTS sites with different X-Haul variants Connectivity will keep evolving overtime: cell-sites transport connectivity will require to be more flexible and dynamic Network Slicing and Automation New service types will demand increased granularity for e2e SLAs and automated traffic engineering Transport pipes setup should be automated and be programmable in order to dynamically adapt Small cells/RRHs We know 5G is not just an incremental step in network performance, but a more deep transformation (still targeting an evolution on top of 4G). It will enable New services : eMBB / augmented reality / mission critical… and this traffic mix will need different availability requirements. This is also related to MW transport techniques I will explain later in the deck. Also it has also much to do with network slicing… There will be also more sites which means more connectivity, which has also implications on the transport resources. For instance as typical deployment we could have macro cells acting as pooling site as well for small cells which are in its coverage Another trend (already well explained) is RAN decomposition also with virtual functions and new X-Haul interfaces – Centralization for some functions driven by optimization gains and decentralization for other functions driven by low latency (as an example) might appear conflicting but there could be tradeoffs (also considering TCO of fronthaul vs midhaul). And last but not least, with such apparent complexity it will be key to have Automation capabilities for granular e2e traffic engineering (also to satisfy the very granular SLAs through network slicing) Bottom line all of this will imply having a much more flexible and programmable multi-technology x-haul transport A much more flexible and programmable multi-technology x-haul transport will be needed

3 Wireless Transport Market trends
New x-Haul interfaces Data Capacity Full Outdoor Millimetre Wave With this kind of network architecture evolution (Multiple 10Gbps+ interfaces, more interconnections, nodal…) there will be also more opportunities for MW/mmW transport, also because fiber cannot be at every site. We are part of a number of 5G trials and we didn’t found yet a Tier1 operator saying they don’t need MW for 5G, it’s more the contrary. Fiber grid might not be exactly the one needed for cell site deployment and also not incumbent operators cannot afford fiber leasing. In this presentation we’ll explore some of these opportunities and how MW is evolving in order to satisfy these demanding requirements. Let’s see now which are some of the trends we are already seeing today in the MW evolution New X-Haul, including Midhaul and fronthaul More and more data capacity dominated by video: Mobile data traffic exceeded 100 PB per day in China and India Full outdoor  which recalls site optimization Shift to higher frequencies (coherent with densification) * Source: Analysis Mason / ABI / Dell’Oro forecast

4 5G deployment scenarios
Typical wireless backhaul / F1 needs Up to 2 Gbps More than 7-10 km Up to 5-10 Gbps Up to 7-10 km 10/10+ Gbps Less than 1km 5G deployment scenarios mmWave (26/28/39 GHz) layer Ultra-dense urban Hot spots like airports and stadiums = 26/28/39 GHz = 3.x GHz = Below 1GHz Sub6 (e.g. 3.x GHz) layer Urban/Suburban coverage < 1GHz layer Rural scenario for coverage 5G scenarios vs geo deployment (to simplify) and correlation with wireless transport needs Different requirements for transport Macro vs small cells I’ll come back to that, but first…

5 Technology evolution – Path to 100Gbps Spectrum opportunities
GHz Bandwidth / Channels Capacity Latency Antennas New mmW Bands D-Band 100 Gbps 170 32GHz 123x250MHz <10us Flat -Active – Ultra-compact W-Band FLAT ACTIVE 115 92 E-Band 20 Gbps Millimeter Waves 80 5+5GHz 38x250MHz 10us 1-2ft - Flat – Compact V-Band 60 38 5 Gbps Microwave Traditional Bands 32GHz 32 1GHz 8x112MHz 50us ≥1ft – Classical 25 23 18 15 13 11 10 ..let me share which are the opportunity provided by spectrum.. Some bands indicated as example (not the only ones) MW still important for high reliability Spectrum opportunities: new bands / large channels (32 vs 26 replacement) Eband D-band 123 channels (fDD) 2 things are key in this spectrum evolution: - how we exploit at maximum the spectrum resource (and combine it) for its characteristics - how spectrum is regulated 7/8 6 Sub6 5 3

6 THE tool for wireless transport evolution
Carrier Aggregation THE tool for wireless transport evolution Today state of the art: GHz New mmW Bands D-Band 170 32GHz 123x250MHz mmWave + mmWave E-band 2+0 15Gbps 115 92 E-Band Millimeter Waves 80 GHz E-band Up to 10Gbps 60 uWave mmWave 38 32GHz 32 Microwave Traditional Bands 25 23 uWave + uWave N+0 Long Haul 1-5 Gbps 15/23GHz 18 15 13 11 6/11GHz 10 7/8 Challenges : improving more and more capacity and reach / TCO so better integration / better spectrum exploitation…. We believe CA can be THE main tool (of course leveraging on radio technology evolution)… - what is: CA is… - Explain WHY is the tool. Value of carrier aggregation to be explained – availability capacity link distance…… 3 use cases This matches what I’ve shown in first slide (new services with different requirements in the same network) Could also be used for x-haul convergence!!!!! CA types and state of the art Also 5.8Ghz where possible (unlicensed) 6 Sub6 5 3 Carrier Aggregation provides higher capacity and longer links preserving high availability thanks to lower band

7 Carrier aggregation evolution
Today Future E-band 2+0 15Gbps Urban boost E-band + D-band Up to 100Gbps >1 km GHz E-band 3+0 – Up to 10Gbps Sub Urban extender New combinations >10km Rural extender New combinations Higher integration Up to 40km N+0 Long Haul 1-5 Gbps Further enhance the possible solutions operator can exploit Value of single dual band antennas for TCO and operations

8 uWave Carrier aggregation evolution Macro backhaul - Rural
Low uWave band High uWave band Radios and antennas for multi Gbps long distance Carrier Aggregation addressing TCO and OPEX CA with 6-11GHz / 32 / 38 GHz Single band: Median from ITU Report 173 (2ft antenna – Rain 60mm/h) Challenge to bring 5G in remote areas – 10G are not required in this case… Average distance on 23GHz vs distance we can achieve in CA new life to existing bands (for instance 32 GHz used for urban and for rural  frequency reuse) 1 o 2 radios  towards ultra-wide band Challenge which drive single antenna design

9 Beyond 100GHz mmWave What is enabling
uWave V-band E-band W-band D-band ( GHz) Capacity Innovative configurations Multiple small antennas Tx/Rx Tx Rx D-band opportunities and technological advancements Less footprint / lower consumption per Mbps / Gbps !  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Licensing important to enable evolution Multiple 10Gbps streams Flexible duplex MIMO and Mesh

10 Zoom on 5G high capacity transport
Ultra-dense network Zoom on 5G high capacity transport Remote Macro-sector/small cells Sub-6GHz RRH and Small cells 5G massive MIMO   Fronthaul (eCPRI) Point to Point Small Cells low power deployment SUB-6GHz 4G/5G Small cells low power street level 26/28/39 GHz Small-cells Backhaul / F1  PtP / PtMP / Mesh through beamsteering Millimeter-wave Wireless deployment 26/28/39 GHz Backhaul / F1  PtP / PtMP / Mesh Challenges (NLOS, connectivity for last mile, key to define QoS vs traffic pipe steps, pole sway…) Mesh, CA, beamsteering Fronthaul connected to macro or fiber poP

11 5G deployment scenarios
mmWave (26/28/39 GHz) layer Ultra-dense urban Hot spots like airports and stadiums = 26/28/39 GHz Rural extender Sub Urban extender Urban boost E-Band 10/10+ Gbps Less than 1km = 3.x GHz OR D-band = Below 1GHz Sub6 (e.g. 3.x GHz) layer Urban/Suburban coverage E-Band Up to 5-10 Gbps Up to 7-10 km OR 32GHz(e.g.) < 1GHz layer Rural scenario for coverage 1-2 Gbps More than 7-10 km We come back to the deployment use cases trying to map the current and future wireless transport options 6/11GHz OR

12 Summary Cloud RAN Carrier Aggregation, wideband and High mmWave technologies to cover wireless transport evolution needs depending on deployment scenario and RAN functional split Edge Cloud Edge Cloud D-RAN Edge cloud Packet core, IMS, Analytics DISTRIBUTED CENTRALIZED Small cells/RRHs E2E network automation, traffic engineering and service provisioning (SDN) So to summarize: I’ve shared main evolution trends and some tools to answer to this network evolution shift on wireless transport side, mainly the carrier aggregation This adapts to different deployment scenarios (from rural to ultra-dense urban), to different x-haul options and of course need to leverage on technological enhancements that are on the way like high mmWave and antenna and radio design Functional splits: X-haul convergence not only radio but also networking (even if we didn’t go through) - so automation (therefore SDN) are key for network slicing and traffic steering As we said at the beginning, bottom line all of this will imply having a much more flexible and programmable x-haul transport, and the wireless technology is evolving to satisfy that need.

13 Customer confidential

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