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Presentation on theme: "Inquiry "— Presentation transcript:

1 Inquiry 😕

2 The Plan what you know! What you wonder? The Points of Inquiry
Your Role & Our Role Planning your inquiry End Product Let’s get started

3 What is Inquiry? Stand between Mr. Taylor’s Desk and the door to the hall to show your level of understanding about inquiry I Got This! Mr. Taylor’s Desk Ummm…Nope The Door

4 What do you know!

5 What do you Wonder?

6 Inquiry is about asking questions that others have not!!

7 Roles Your Role: the doer Our Role: the Supporter Wonder
Choose a broad topic Narrow your topic Research and investigate Ask a question Form a response to your questions Show your learning Reflect on your learning Support with developing questions Support where to find your research and how to know if a source is reliable Support you to express your learning Support your reflection process

8 Planning your inquiry Choose a broad topic Narrow your topic
E.g. child soldiers Narrow your topic E.g. recruitment, international law, gender-related experiences, organizations that help Do some research E.g Google search is a good place to start to be exposed to your topic ***Remember: inquiry is about asking questions that Others have not!!*** Ask question that interest you E.g. Who are they? Why do they do what they do? Who is my audience? e.g. teacher, peers, parents How might I want to present my inquiry? E.g. poster, video, photoessay, drama Know how you will be evaluated

9 The end product can & will look different from each other

10 Bring you post-it-note and place it on what fits you
How are you feeling? Bring you post-it-note and place it on what fits you

11 Questions?

12 Let’s get started We are going to start with what is called “guided inquiry” where Mr. Taylor has a topic area from which you will develop your Big idea inquiry question from.

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