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W  mu analysis status M.Beaumier (UCR), D. Jumper(UIUC) , C.Kim(KU/RIKEN), A.Meles(NMSU), F. Giordano(UIUC), R.Hollis(UCR), S. Park(SNU/RIKEN), R.Seidl(RIKEN),

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Presentation on theme: "W  mu analysis status M.Beaumier (UCR), D. Jumper(UIUC) , C.Kim(KU/RIKEN), A.Meles(NMSU), F. Giordano(UIUC), R.Hollis(UCR), S. Park(SNU/RIKEN), R.Seidl(RIKEN),"— Presentation transcript:

1 W  mu analysis status M.Beaumier (UCR), D. Jumper(UIUC) , C.Kim(KU/RIKEN), A.Meles(NMSU), F. Giordano(UIUC), R.Hollis(UCR), S. Park(SNU/RIKEN), R.Seidl(RIKEN),

2 W kinematics 2019/1/18

3 Pythia: quark flavors and x ranges
Proton 1 Proton 2 Proton 1 Proton 2 Central Forward W- m case: almost entirely forward d quarks and backwards 𝑢 W+ m case: predominantly forward 𝑑 quarks and backwards u 2019/1/18

4 Forward W analysis – muon BG
W momentum cannot be ignored Jacobian peak only visible for forward moving W+ decaying at close to 90 degrees Need to understand and suppress backgrounds lacking distinct signal signature Pythia 6.4, muons in rapidities 1.2 – 2.4 2019/1/18

5 Forward W analysis – hadron BG
Large amount of low pT hadrons deacying within MuTr volume Dominant background source even after various tight cuts 2019/1/18

6 2019/1/18

7 Reducing the background components
H. Oide Apply sensitivity to multiple scattering to reduce hadronic backgrounds Initially (2011) cut based removal of backgrounds Improved by using likelihood based pre-selection and unbinned max likelihood fit 2019/1/18

8 Multivariate analysis
Define Wness likelihood using 5-9 kinematic variables based on signal MC and data ( = mostly BG) 2019/1/18

9 Wness cross check and relative contributions

10 Wness summary Cross checked Using latest Run13 based MC
Available w/o FVTX, with FVTX (when available) or with FVTX and FVTX cone multiplicity 2019/1/18

11 S/BG fits After preselecting W like events (>0.92) perform unbinned max likelihood fit in independent variables rapidity and effective bending angle Full MC Test 2019/1/18

12 Fit results (incl FVTX cone)
Changes: Run13 related simulations (for muon background and signal) used, Rapidity dep trigger efficiencies Still needed: Pileup corrected luminosities, Muon BG normalization via dimuons 2019/1/18

13 Fit results (incl FVTX matching)
Changes: Run13 related simulations (for muon background and signal) used, Rapidity dep trigger efficiencies Still needed: Pileup corrected luminosities, Muon BG normalization via dimuons 2019/1/18

14 Fit results (no FVTX) Changes: Run13 related simulations (for muon background and signal) used, Rapidity dep trigger efficiencies Still needed: Pileup corrected luminosities, Muon BG normalization via dimuons 2019/1/18

15 Analyzer comparison Still not all use Run13 simulations, trigger efficiencies, different muon scaling numbers 2019/1/18

16 Analyzer comparison 2019/1/18

17 Old vs new S/BG extraction
S/BG axis Green: Unbinned MaxLikelihood fit, based on extrapolated data shapes, mu bg (fixed) and signal shapes, Factor 2 error band , Magenta: Signal yield (MC)/ (Data – Signal yield) Expected turn-on of S/BGs and of some asymmetries, Factor of >2 discrepancy between two S/BG methods 2019/1/18

18 The Pepsi challenge Main goal of adding simulations
produce weighted mock data set Extract probability densities (and compare to truth) Fit signal (and compare to truth) Extract bg corrected asymmetries Compare to introduced asymmetries Work is ongoing with run11 samples, run13 hadron backgrouns still running, results soon 2019/1/18

19 Some example fits 2019/1/18

20 Some tendency of actual fakes to become narrower than linear extrapolation from lower wness predicts

21 Run11 pepsicheck fit summaries
Various relative scales for signal and hadronic backgrounds, various wness cuts 2019/1/18

22 Chong Kim 2019/1/18

23 Absolute normalization of muon backgrounds via di-muons
Sanghwa Park, Francesca Giordano Absolute normalization of muon backgrounds via di-muons Cross checked with Hide (run11) and Francesca(run12) 2019/1/18

24 S/BG conclusions S/BG fits close to final cross check
Some overestimation seen in fully MC based fits Size understood Within current conservative factor 2 applied on S/BG Improving dw23 extrapolation to reduce uncertainty 2019/1/18

25 Asymmetries Cross checked between Analyzers (so far Francesca and Ralf) 2019/1/18

26 Daniel Jumper Bunch Shuffling 2019/1/18

27 Rate and Run range comparisons
Separate runs in three ranges accd to rate or runnumber Compare the resulting asymmetries for systematic shifts 2019/1/18

28 MC signal and asymmetry addition

29 30% charge mis id 2019/1/18

30 FOM plots 2019/1/18

31 Wness > 0.92 2019/1/18

32 Wness > 0.95 2019/1/18

33 Wness > STAR 2019/1/18

34 Wness >0.95 in one bin and run 12

35 Asymmetry conclusions
Asymmetries cross checked Bunch shuffling ok Smallness of asymmetries NOT due to charge misidentification Little change of asymmetries since last summer but still unexpectedly small in some regions 2019/1/18

36 Analysis status towards finalization
Run11 Run12 Run13 Efficiencies Trigger efficiencies RPC efficiencies Reconstruction efficiencies (needs MC from Ref run and relative run-by-run part) Normalizations Muon BG scale factors Pile-up correction for Lumi S/BG extraction Pepsi challenge Charge mis-reconstruction Cross check 2019/1/18

37 Analysis status continued
Run11 Run12 Run13 Momentum smearing Old vs new S/BG calculation Reference run dependence Effect of FVTX inclusion Asymmetries Min Wness dependence Rate/run dependence Pt dependence MC signal addition Xcheck FOM optimization Bunch shuffling 2019/1/18

38 Pile-up correction Direct BBCnovtx live counts from db gives 228 pb-1
Still trying to figure out how to correctly calculate, references from K. Karatsu’s Thesis and the run9 We analysis notes (891,902,..) The correct BBC fire efficiency per crossing seems to be: Average m becomes 0.74 With kN = kS = and obtained m one gets (accd to eq C2): Do those numbers require actual crossing (~109/120) and livetime (~0.9) correction? (300246) Need to check current kN,S, total xsec at 510 GeV and correct m calculation 2019/1/18

39 Sanghwa Park Pile-up correction 2019/1/18

40 Absolute signal efficiencies, W-, pt 16-60, wness >0.92
RHICBOS all rapidities and momenta RHICBOS 1.1<|h|<2.5 and GeV 2019/1/18

41 Absolute signal efficiencies, W+, pt 16-60, wness >0.92
RHICBOS all rapidities and momenta RHICBOS 1.1<|h|<2.5 and GeV 2019/1/18

42 Potential improvements
Several suggestions from HI single muon analyzers: P*Dq is P scaled theta difference between vertex and Station 1 (multiple scattering) #MuTr hits per track improves smearing a little but similar loss in efficiency for signal and hadrons Others also under consideration, but generally high wness cuts leave very little room in distributions to distinguish signal from hadrons Low pt, all wness high pt, high wness high pt, high wness 2019/1/18

43 Summary and Outlook We have been working hard to understand all the issues Most aspects of Signal to background extraction, asymmetries, etc understood well Asymmetries are very stable to all these cross checks, etc Extract cross sections as ultimate cross check Many more studies not shown: Trigger- and RPC-efficiencies, rel lumi, pT and wness dependence of S/BG and asymmetries,… 2019/1/18

44 All wness, Gev

45 Same but hadronic pTgen separated

46 >0.5

47 >0.7

48 >0.9

49 >0.9 and separated ptbins

50 Generated pt all wness, 16-60

51 Generated pt, wness >0.9


53 Min Pt dependence Expected turn-on of S/BGs in old method, but
Not in new method 2019/1/18

54 Vs MC addition Added fixed amount of Signal MC with known asymmetries (red lines) 2019/1/18

55 Vs MC addition + corrected

56 Asymmetries vs ranges 2019/1/18

57 Asymmetries vs ranges 2019/1/18

58 Asymmetries (1 eta bin) North W+ Asymmetries Entries North W-
AL blue AL yellow ALL Ralf Francesca using Ralf trees Francesca using Daniel trees Entries N-- N-+ N+- N++ 574 509 496 549 576 508 495 North W- Asymmetries AL blue AL yellow ALL Ralf Francesca using Ralf trees Francesca using Daniel trees Entries N-- N-+ N+- N++ 428 390 380 421 427 391

59 Asymmetries (1 eta bin) South W+ South W- AL blue AL yellow ALL Ralf
Francesca using Ralf trees Francesca using Daniel trees

60 Combined Asymmetries W+ W- AL eta>0 AL eta<0 Ralf
Francesca using Ralf trees / / Francesca using Daniel trees W- AL eta>0 AL eta<0 Ralf Francesca using Ralf trees / / Francesca using Daniel trees

61 Asymmetries October’13 Raw asymmetries cross checked between Francesca and Ralf 2019/1/18

62 Latest Asymmetry plot Latest asymmetries, SBGs (new), pt smearing and Z contribution taken into account , raw asymmetries cross-checked between Francesca and me on same sample 2019/1/18

63 Asymmetries eta bin=1 North W+ North W- AL blue AL yellow ALL Ralf
Francesca using Ralf trees Francesca using Daniel trees

64 Asymmetries eta bin=1 South W+ South W- AL blue AL yellow ALL Ralf
Francesca using Ralf trees Francesca using Daniel trees

65 Combined Asymmetries eta bin=1
W+ AL eta>0 AL eta<0 Ralf Francesca using Ralf trees / / Francesca using Daniel trees W- AL eta>0 AL eta<0 Ralf Francesca using Ralf trees / / Francesca using Daniel trees

66 Asymmetries eta bin=2 North W+ Asymmetries Entries North W-
AL blue AL yellow ALL Ralf Francesca using Ralf trees Francesca using Daniel trees Entries N-- N-+ N+- N++ 286 236 234 277 287 235 North W- Asymmetries AL blue AL yellow ALL Ralf Francesca using Ralf trees Francesca using Daniel trees

67 Asymmetries eta bin=2 South W+ South W- AL blue AL yellow ALL Ralf
Francesca using Ralf trees Francesca using Daniel trees

68 Combined Asymmetries eta bin=2
W+ AL eta>0 AL eta<0 Ralf Francesca using Ralf trees / / Francesca using Daniel trees W- AL eta>0 AL eta<0 Ralf Francesca using Ralf trees / / Francesca using Daniel trees

69 Asymmetries eta bin=3 North W+ Asymmetries Entries North W-
AL blue AL yellow ALL Ralf Francesca using Ralf trees Francesca using Daniel trees Entries N-- N-+ N+- N++ 198 188 200 201 199 North W- Asymmetries AL blue AL yellow ALL Ralf Francesca using Ralf trees Francesca using Daniel trees Entries N-- N-+ N+- N++ 187 157 168 178 186 158

70 Asymmetries eta bin=3 South W+ South W- AL blue AL yellow ALL Ralf
Francesca using Ralf trees Francesca using Daniel trees

71 Combined Asymmetries eta bin=3
W+ AL eta>0 AL eta<0 Ralf Francesca using Ralf trees / / Francesca using Daniel trees W- AL eta>0 AL eta<0 Ralf Francesca using Ralf trees / / Francesca using Daniel trees

72 RPC efficiency Detective absolute efficiency (using hodoscope for RPC3): no-RPC triggers, basic cuts, wness_noRPC >0.2 RPC1 South 74% +/- 0.9% RPC1 North 60% +/- 0.9% RPC3 South 80% +/- 11% RPC3 North 77% +/- 8% Effective efficiency: all triggers, basic cuts, wness>0.92 RPC1 South RPC3 South RPC1 North RPC3 North

73 S/BG for various arms 2019/1/18

74 One example of asymmetries and S/BGs

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