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Anne Ball, Introduction,

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1 Anne Ball, Introduction,
Robert and 3 friends Anne Ball, Introduction,

2 Thank you !

3 Maine Development Foundation
We drive sustainable, long-term economic growth for Maine. We stimulate new ideas, develop leaders, and provide common ground for solving problems and advancing issues. Non-partisan nonprofit membership organization established in 1978 Trusted Research- MOG Leadership Training, Home to Maine Downtown Center, secondary degree attainment, PLA, workforce and education

4 Mission Created by the Maine Legislature in 1999 to foster downtown revitalization that is dynamic and community-based, and results in economic development, business growth, job creation, historic preservation housing revitalization and cultural enhancement. Created in 1999 by the Maine Legislature, Program of Maine Development Foundation, State Coordinator for National Trust Main Street Center, Main Street Maine (National designation), Maine Downtown Network (Prerequisite to Main Street status), Green Downtowns, Healthy Maine Streets , Downtown Institute, Maine Downtown Conference Extensive Online Resource Library, Technical Assistance, Supported by a passionate volunteer Advisory Council

5 Work in formal programs in 27 communities and have a community engagement program called MHYC where we have worked in 11 communities thus far

6 Belvedere Historic Preservation and Energy Efficiency Fund
Maine Community Foundation Maine Downtown Center Saving non-profits money through energy savings Funding for energy audits, implementation of energy savings measures and historic preservation Deadline: June 1, 2019 Grant amounts: up to $5000 for energy audits and up to $20,000 for energy improvements and historic preservation



9 Top Volunteer Practices from our Main Street Directors
Hiring an Americorp Vista has allowed us to streamline all our volunteer procedures Volunteer job descriptions to make it easier to recruit people for very specific action-oriented tasks Handwritten thank you notes to all volunteers after events We recognize a Volunteer of the Year at annual dinner Starting an list/news specifically to volunteers Boys and Girls Club of Kennebec Valley and Camden National Bank supply us with a core group of volunteers through their staff and friends and family.

10 Top Volunteer Practices continued
Volunteers love “staff tee shirts” Celebrate individual volunteers on social media posts. Use SignUpGenius. The link is on our website under the event and sent in mail chimp to all potential volunteers. Board members are required to volunteer. Volunteers are not required to work all events, they get to decide what they are interested in doing. Flexibility is key. Celebrate the board and community at an annual dinner. The board recruits volunteers Empowerment- allow volunteers to follow their instincts and experience to accomplish their tasks.

11 Thank you ! Anne Ball Program Director, Maine Downtown Center,

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