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Welcome to Back-to-School Night

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Back-to-School Night"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Back-to-School Night 2017-2018

2 Child Statement of Health Status

3 School lunch application

4 Book Bag: Monday-Thursday
Expanding vocabulary and comprehension

5 Remind

6 Class Dojo

7 Homework Folder

8 Weekly Communication /Homework Folder
I will be communicating with you weekly about your child’s week through the Thursday homework folder. In the folder there will be a sign off sheet, homework and a monthly newsletter. The homework folder must be initialed by you and returned the following Monday. You and your child are responsible for returning this folder. Your child will be bringing homework home beginning in a few weeks. The purpose of any homework sent home will be to reinforce concepts being taught in the classroom. Homework will be sent home in the Thursday Folder and should be returned by Monday. During short weeks or before special events, your child may not have homework.

9 Sign In 7:55 School Starts – Please be on time! We open the door @7:55
Marie Knight 7:55 School Starts – Please be on time! We open the Sign in - You must sign your FIRST & LAST name

10 Sign in/out Form

11 Sign Out 7:55 Marie Knight 3:22 Marie Knight 3:22 Dismissal Students will wait for parents in the office when not picked up at the regular time Please Sign Out- You must sign your FIRST & LAST name

12 Breakfast/Snack in the Classroom
A snack will also be served in the afternoon after nap time.

13 Arrival and Dismissal Time
School begins at 7:55 am. I know it can be difficult to get your child to school on time, especially if they have siblings, but it’s important not to be late so that your child may enjoy all the activities we have planned.  We will meet as a class at the back door of the classroom. Being late is very disruptive in our day. CHILDREN WILL NEED TO BE SIGNED IN EACH DAY. If you bring your child late, you will need to first sign them in at the office, through the Schmitt main door, then come to our classroom and sign them in a second time. There will be a “sign in” sheet on top of the table by the back door. Our day ends at 3:22. CHILDREN WILL NEED TO BE SIGNED OUT EACH DAY. If I do not recognize the person picking up your child, I will ask for an I.D. to confirm who they are.

14 Visitors Visitors need to sign in at the office and then sign in again in the classroom. If the visitors are not known, the teacher may ask for identification. Wash hands when you come into the classroom. This is mandated by the ECE department for the health of the children.

15 Inside Days: Pickup and Drop-off locations
Students will be dropped off and signed in at the main entrance on inside days. Students will be brought inside the auditorium. Pick up Parents will enter school through the south door. Parents sign out and then will assist their students with coats and backpack etc.

16 Regular Days: Pickup and Drop-off locations
Students will enter school through the door 11 on regular days. Parents sign in and then will assist their students with coats, mystery question and etc.

17 Bad Weather---Inside Days
Enter thru the main door and walk your child to the classroom and sign them

18 Persons Authorized to Pick Up Your Child
If the person picking up your child changes, you will need to let the teacher know so you can fill out a new authorization form, and you’ll also need to inform the office.

19 Essentials Time: 2:35-3:15 (Music and P.E.)
Must wear gym appropriate shoes everyday!

20 Parent Home Visit This year at Schmitt we are continuing a program called Parent Home Visits. Our belief is that parents and teachers are equally important to their child’s education. Home visits provide rich opportunity to learn from one another. Home visits will be done after the school day. I will be contacting you to set up a visit that fits your schedule. I hope that every family takes advantage of this great opportunity!! We will visit twice in a year.

21 Illness or Absences If your child has a fever, has been vomiting, or generally doesn’t feel well, please leave them at home.  The child will feel even worse at school and may expose the other students to germs or illness. Please call and let us know if they will not be attending.  If your child becomes ill during school, we will call so you can pick them up. If you will be taking an extended vacation during the school year, your child may lose their placement in our ECE class. Please leave us a number where you can be reached.

22 Allergies Peanuts are not allowed in our classroom due to a peanut allergy. Please do not send any foods that contain peanuts. If you are aware of any other allergies please let me know so that we can make sure all students are kept safe. Also please let me know if your child is taking medication during the day.

23 Birthdays Birthdays may be celebrated by bringing a simple treat. Parents and siblings are invited to join us at between 1:45 and 2:00 out on the playground weather permitting to celebrate or in the classroom during inclement weather. Please bring only small store bought snacks. We are not allowed to light any candles. We cannot allow home cooked food. This policy is required by the licensing department. We need to start to Essentials-

24 Volunteering We hope that you will all volunteer in the classroom sometime during the school year.  This shows your child that you value what they are doing and gives you a sense of their school experience. Unfortunately, we can not allow younger siblings to come with you.  We’d like to suggest trading with another parent.  Many good friendships have been formed this way. Please stop in the school office to sign-in each time you come to volunteer. You will be given a visitor badge to wear. If you have a profession you would like to share, other talents, or a special ethnic holiday, please let us know, we’d love to have you share with us. There is a parent volunteer form that needs to be completed. Let me know if you are interested.

25 Clothing You will need to send a regular size (LARGE) backpack with your child’s name on it everyday. Please bring a change of clothes to school.  We will keep it here in their ECE backpack near their coat racks. We get messy sometimes, and they may need to change. It does not have to be a “uniform”, just something in case they need it. Blankets are provided during rest time Shoes---VELCRO ONLY PLEASE. This is not a district rule, but one that we would like to incorporate. We will not have time to tie shoes especially after nap or in case of an emergercy, ie: FIRE DRILL, we cannot tie 16 pairs of shoes NO OPEN TOE SHOES allowed in gym

26 Uniforms Your child must wear a uniform everyday. The school uniform policy requires a shirt that has a Schmitt logo. Student can wear jeans. Student who are out of uniform, will be loaned uniform items by the office but returned at the end of the day. Dress children in comfortable shoes that allow them to be physically active; no flip flops or open toe shoes.

27 Money Please place any money that is coming to school in an envelope labeled with the following information: • Child’s first and last name • Teacher’s name • Amount enclosed • Purpose of money (field trip, fund raiser, etc.)

28 Classroom Rules Keep our selves safe
Our Feet Walk inside and run outside Keep our friends safe No hitting, no spitting, no biting and we use kind words Keep our materials safe Handle toys & materials gently Listen to our teachers PLEASE talk with your child about listening & responding to teachers

29 New Curriculum Self Regulation

30 My Contact Information 1820 S. Vallejo St. Denver CO, 80223 Office Phone # Fax# My address - Note: The best way to reach me is my I check my at the end of the day. We have new phone system in the classroom. The number During class time the phone goes directly to voice mail.

31 Let’s Have a Great Year The partnership between teachers and parents leads to greater student success.

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