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Place Value – On Your Marks

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1 Place Value – On Your Marks
Objective(s): Understand place value in 4- and 5‐digit numbers; Use place value to complete additions and subtractions. © Hamilton Trust Term 1 Week 1 Day 1

2 Place Value – Skill Drill
one thousand and ten three thousand and forty eight 1) Write 1,010 in words 6) Write 3,048 in words 7) Write ‘fifteen thousand, six hundred and nine’ in digits 2) Write ‘four thousand, three hundred and twenty eight’ in digits 15,609 4,328 eighteen thousand and seven one thousand, two hundred and nine 3) Write 1,209 in words 8) Write 18,007 in words 9) Write ‘ninety thousand and seventy three’ in digits 4) Write ‘thirty nine thousand, two hundred and sixty’ in digits You may need: mini whiteboards, students’ books. When ready, click your mouse, or keyboard ↓ or  arrow to start timer. Timer may be interrupted if all students finish, by clicking again. 90,073 39,260 10) Write 99,805 in words ninety nine thousand, eight hundred and five forty seven thousand and twenty six 5) Write 47,026 in words TIME’S UP! 1 2 3 4 5 Click HERE to start timer © Hamilton Trust Term 1 Week 1 Day 1

3 Place Value – On The Blocks…
You may need: mini whiteboards. © Hamilton Trust Term 1 Week 1 Day 1

4 Place Value – Get Set… 32 732 4732 24732 Activity 1 The last person in the chain reads the 5-digit number and says what the 2-digit starting number was… © Hamilton Trust Term 1 Week 1 Day 1

5 Place Value – Get Set… 20,450 273 Activity 2 Work with a partner to complete these number sentences: 4,000 34,000 Click boxes to reveal answers. 50 4,000 © Hamilton Trust Term 1 Week 1 Day 1

6 6 1 7 3 9 Place Value – Go! Practice 1
Use these digit cards to make the largest and smallest possible 4- and 5-digit numbers. 6 1 7 3 9 Click arrow to go to answer slide. Now write the numbers in words. Answers Be ready to explain and justify your answers! © Hamilton Trust Term 1 Week 1 Day 1

7 Place Value – Go! Practice 1 Answers Use these digit cards to make the largest and smallest possible 4- and 5-digit numbers. 6 1 7 3 9 3 7 1 6 9 3 7 6 one thousand, three hundred and sixty seven nine thousand, seven hundred and sixty three Use animation to reveal answers step by step, helping to structure discussion. 9 3 7 1 6 ninety seven thousand, six hundred and thirty one 9 3 7 1 6 thirteen thousand, six hundred and seventy nine What do you notice about the order of the digits? © Hamilton Trust Term 1 Week 1 Day 1

8 Complete these number sentences:
Place Value – Go! 40,520 Practice 2 Complete these number sentences: 725 7,000 2,235 Click boxes on-screen to reveal answers. 72,000 40,000 © Hamilton Trust Term 1 Week 1 Day 1

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