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Mental Health.

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1 Mental Health

2 Quick Write “Live a Good Life…And in the end, it’s not the years in a life, it’s the life in the years.” ~Abraham Lincoln

3 What is mental health? deals with how we think, feel and cope with daily life. encompasses learning, stress management, and mental illnesses or disorders.

4 Health Triangle Mental Social Physical
*Health is the measure of our body’s efficiency and over-all well-being. Mental Social Physical

5 Flexible Good Self-Esteem Positive Vs. Negative +
+ Mental Health Components Comfortable w/ people Good Self-Esteem Manages Stress Well/Humor Flexible +

6 - Mental unhealthy components
People who are afraid to show emotions Drug users/ alcoholics Anger/stress management problems Prejudice & people who are intolerant of others -

7 Know when to seek help More than 2 weeks of negative mental health
Efforts fail to solve problems (negative solutions) Your energy goes towards keeping your life together instead of enjoying it. **Remember, negative feeling should pass…if they don’t, then seek help!**

8 Where to seek help…. Family & Friends
S.A.C. Team (student assistance counselor) Social Services Psychologist/Psychiatrist

9 Ways to your + Mental Health
3 Basics- 1)Sleep 8-10 hrs a night, 2) eat a balanced diet (low in sugar & caffeine) & 3) exercise daily; which increase your endorphins…the happy hormone

10 Other Ways…. Avoid Alcohol & drugs Seek Positive people to be with

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