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Texas history Mr. Turner contact me: CLASS MATERIALS

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1 Texas history Mr. Turner contact me: CLASS MATERIALS
7th Grade Texas history Syllabus contact me: CLASS MATERIALS ☐ Notebook Paper ☐ Hand-Held Pencil Sharpener ☐ Multiple Pencils ☐ Colored Pencils ☐ Glue or Tape ☐ Scissors ☐ 5 Dividers Room 110 Class Procedures Grades R – Respond in an appropriate manner to EVERYONE E – Excellence only. No sloppy work or excuses. S – Stay in your own personal space. P – Pay attention and PARTICIPATE E – Encourage, not discourage, others. C – Come PREPARED to learn. T – Take responsibility for your actions Report Cards 9 weeks Progress Reports 3 weeks expectations 50% 50% Daily Major Parents and students are strongly encouraged to check Skyward - Family Access on a weekly basis to view the most current grades for EVERY class. Consequences Respect – Show it! * family – be it! * responsibility – own it! Above below Blame * complain * Defend 1. Warning: the teacher provides a verbal reminder. 2. Student/Teacher conference: a personal one on one chat/mediation between the student and teacher during the teachers conference time. Student will be pulled out of class for this time. 3. Parent contact: If behavior is excessive, severe or repeated, the teacher will contact parents personally. The teacher and parents will work together to decide the best course of action to help the student become more successful in class and with his/her behavior. This may include in person parent/teacher conference or parent invitation to attend the class with the student. 4. Referral to Administration: a student will be immediately referred to administration for severe, dangerous or repeated behaviors.

2 Texas history Late / Incomplete Work Absentee Policy Technology
Mr. Turner 7th Grade Texas history syllabus Late / Incomplete Work Absentee Policy My expectation is that ALL assignments be completed to a level of proficiency (70% or higher) and turned in on time. If an assignment is turned in but proficiency is not demonstrated, the assignment will be returned to the student and the work must be completed until proficiency is achieved. The assignment will not receive a grade until proficiency is earned. Each day an assignment is late students receive 10 points off per district policy. Also… #nonamenograde YES, WE DID SOMETHING IMPORTANT WHILE YOU WERE ABSENT. It is the student’s responsibility to check the class journal (on my website), with their absent buddy and on Schoology to find any assignments missed. A student will receive a zero for missed assignments until it has been made up. A student should plan to attend the next available tutorial day to ask questions and complete the missing work. Technology Technology will be used in class during the school year. Smart Phones, iPads, laptops and school computer labs will be used for educational purposes using apps/programs such as KAHOOT, schoology, puzzle ed and websites deemed appropriate by the teacher. Listening to music with headphones during independent work only, is a privilege allowed by the teacher. Students may NOT use the schools wifi to stream music, a play list must be downloaded to the device and is the parents responsibility to monitor and censor the students music. Students are expected to abide by all school and district digital safety rules and guidelines. Failure to do so will result in said student loss privileges or banned from technology and/or temporary confiscation of personal device. NO SOCIAL MEDIA WILL BE USED IN CLASS Extra credit Tutorials Extra credit requests will be considered under the following circumstances The student has no missing assignments The student has attended and signed in for at least 3 tutorial sessions. Student makes request at appropriate time (during one of the tutorial times, not during class, and not before or after class as I am preparing for the next class and doing hallway duty. Student makes request a minimum of one week before Report Card Grades are due. (In other words, don’t ask the day before grades are due… its too late.) Morning Tutorials: Tuesdays 8:15-8:45am After School Tutorials: Thursdays 4:15-5:00PM ALWAYS have a pass to attend tutorials. Afternoon tutorials must have a ride home or use academic bus when offered. Keep This all year!

3 Texas history Online Textbook Year at a glance
Mr. Turner 7th Grade Texas history syllabus Online Textbook Username is all caps FBISD with your 6 digit student ID Ex: FBISD123456 Password is the exact same! Ex: FBISD123456 Year at a glance Student/parent acknowledgement I ______________________ have received, read and understand Ms. Self’s Syllabus. This includes the classroom procedures and expectation that I agree to abide by as it creates a learning environment.

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