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Computed Tomography (CT)

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Presentation on theme: "Computed Tomography (CT)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Computed Tomography (CT)

2 CT In clinical use in humans since 1973
Used to image most body parts, particularly the head, thorax and abdomen Becoming common in veterinary referral practices

3 Image Formation A narrow, fan-shaped x-ray beam is emitted from a tube
Moves around the patient The x-rays that pass through the patient are counted by a series of small electronic detectors Signals from these detectors are passed to a computer The data is reconstructed

4 Image Formation A CT scanner is a high quality piece of equipment
Scanner includes high-output x-ray tube detector array patient bed Operation of the scanner is controlled by computer Images are viewed as they are acquired on a monitor

5 Image Formation During a scan, the x-ray tube normally revolves

6 Image Formation The size of the area scanned and the thickness of tissue represented by each image can be selected by the radiographer

7 CT vs Radiographs Similarities
Produced by the absorption of x-rays by different density tissues

8 CT vs Radiographs Differences CT image represents a thin sections
CT can detect tissue differences that are small

9 Density of image Measured in Hounsfield units (HU)
Range from to +3000 Relates to amount attenuation -1,000 HU air 0 HU water 3,000 HU bone Which HU is radiopaque/radiolucent

10 Image interpretation Image viewed on monitor
Can display what range needed based on area examined Air or bone images wide range Soft tissues narrow range View multiple images at once Distinguish between soft tissue and fluids based on CT numbers Blood from transudate

11 Image Interpretation The principles of interpretation are the same as conventional radiography Number, position, size, shape; while opacity becomes tissue density Hyperdense (white) Isodense Hypodense (black)

12 Image interpretation Can be easier to interpret than radiographs

13 Practicalities Accurate patient positioning
Eg: rotated positioning can complicate the interpretation of a CT just as it does in radiography Although the exposure time for a CT scan may be as little as 30 seconds, the patient must remain perfectly still Patients are usually anesthetized

14 Practicalities Monitoring conducted from outside room

15 practicalities Contrast medium may be used
Accumulates in vascular, hemorrhagic or edematous lesions Aids in defining lesion margins Non-ionic contrast IV injection

16 Applications Allows a more detailed exam on a wider range of structures than radiographs/ultrasound When used Alternative to a multiple view radiographic study Following normal results of radiography and ultrasonography More information on an abnormality found on other imaging Guide biopsy Prior to surgery or radiation – extent of lesion

17 applications When to choose Based on individual patient’s needs
Local factors Cost Convenience Availability CT is more $ than ultrasound but less $ than MRI

18 Areas commonly studied with CT
Head Well suited for head studies due to high contrast provided by bone and air containing structures

19 Areas commonly studied with CT
Head CT may be indicated in Trauma Exopthalmos Chronic nasal discharge

20 Areas commonly studied with CT
Thorax Used for imaging all structures except the heart, CT images of the lungs are useful, often revealing lesions not visible on survey rads, or enabling assessment of the extent of a lesion

21 Areas commonly studied with CT
Abdomen Not as common due to ultrasonography convenience and lower cost Good for exam of the pancreas, mesentery, and pelvic canal

22 Areas commonly studied with CT
Musculoskeletal structures Minimally displaced or incomplete fractures easier to see Useful in examining the canine elbow (fragmented coronoid process) Spine in cases of suspected intervertebral disk prolapse, fracture or neoplasia

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