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12:13 Class Rules Need to use the bathroom?

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Presentation on theme: "12:13 Class Rules Need to use the bathroom?"— Presentation transcript:

1 12:13 Class Rules Need to use the bathroom?
Ask a parent volunteer Need handouts from last week? Need to borrow a pen? Loan us a shoe and we will loan you a pen! Need to talk with a friend? Before/after class, but not during

2 Stream Cleaning Project!
SATURDAY, MAY 21 Meet at church at 8:30 (at bus parking area) Clean stream at Morris Park in Gaithersburg from 9-11:30. Wear old clothes – you WILL get wet and muddy! Gloves and garbage bags provided. Bring water bottle and snack.


4 Ten Types Of Biblical Literature
Old Testament Narratives (1 Samuel) New Testament Narratives (Acts) Gospels (Mark) Parables (The Prodigal Son) Epistles (Ephesians) Law (Deuteronomy) Prophets (Daniel) Psalms Wisdom (Proverbs) Revelation

5 What Are Parables? Pictures of the Kingdom of God
Stories that teach about spiritual realities by comparing them to natural realities in daily life

6 HIDDEN TREASURE “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” (Matthew 13:44)

7 DIGGING DEEPER How does the movie compare to the parable Jesus told?
What made the main character willing to sell everything to buy the property? How did his wife and neighbors react? Why? Did he make a wise decision?

8 Four Lessons About The Kingdom Of God
It’s priceless It reveals itself to us unexpectedly We should take radical action to get it Getting the Kingdom changes everything!

9 What Does This Parable Tell Us About…
Our duty? Our character? Our goals? Our values?

10 Starting Point 2011 – April podium Table for water/OJ table
14 chairs podium Table for water/OJ table Table for coffee/food Starting Point 2011 – April

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