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Crimes Against Property

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1 Crimes Against Property

2 Crimes against property can be divided into two groups
Property Destroyed such as acts of vandalism and arson Property Stolen such as robbery and theft

3 Arson The willful and malicious burning of a person’s property.
Burning of a property with the intent to defraud is considered a separate offence At various times throughout history, arson has been racially motivated The Church Arson Prevention Act of 1996 was passed by congress due to the rash racially motivated church arsons

4 Vandalism Also known as the malicious mischief
Is the willful destruction of or damage to the property of another Vandalism is responsible for millions of dollars in damages every year Vandalism includes; breaking windows, ripping down fences, writing graffiti, and breaking off car hood ornaments Vandalism can either be a felony or a misdemeanor

5 Larceny Also known as theft
Is the unlawful taking and carrying away of the property of another person, with the intent to permanently deprive the owner of it. Most states divide larceny into to categories; simple larceny(petty theft) and grand larceny Petty theft: taking property under the value of $100. Misdemeanor Grand Larceny: taking property over the value of $100. Felony

6 Larceny Continued Larceny also includes keeping lost property if there is a reasonable method to locate the owner Shoplifting is also larceny Some states have categorized shoplifting as concealment Shoplifting result in businesses losing billions of dollars each year

7 Embezzlement The unlawful taking of property by someone to whom it was entrusted Example: A bank teller who takes money from the cash draw; A stockbroker who takes money that should have been invested

8 Extortion Popularly called blackmail, is the use of threats to obtain the property of another. Extortion statutes generally cover threats to do future harm, destroy property, or injure someone’s character or reputation.

9 Burglary The unlawful entry into a dwelling or structure of another person with the intent to commit a felony therein.

10 Forgery Falsely making or altering a document with the intent to defraud.

11 Receiving Stolen Property
Receiving or buying property that you know or have reason to believe is stolen is unlawful Most states use the term “fence” to identify the offender

12 Unauthorized Use of a Vehicle
UUV is committed if the person only intends to take the vehicle temporarily. Another name for UUV is “Joy riding”

13 Carjacking Carjacking is a very violent offense punishable by a life sentence. Carjacking is a face too face confrontation where the offender uses force or intimidation to steal a vehicle from a driver.

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