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Welcome to Jeopardy!.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Jeopardy!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Jeopardy!

2 Today’s exciting topic….

3 PowerPoint Jeopardy Mitosis 100 200 300 400 500 Cell Division
Picture This Mitosis Cell Cycle Name That Phase! Anything Goes! 100 200 300 400 500

4 True or False: After telophase, the process of cell division is complete. Explain reasoning.

5 Reasoning: Cyotkinesis completes cell division
False Reasoning: Cyotkinesis completes cell division Back to Game Board

6 What does cell division allow an organism to do?

7 grow and repair Back to Game Board

8 The process of mitosis and cytokinesis produce two identical

9 Daughter Cells Back to Game Board

10 As a result of mitosis, each of the two new cells produced from the parent cell during cytokinesis receive

11 An exact copy of all the chromosomes present in the parent cell
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12 A cell that undergoes repeated mitosis without cytokinesis would have

13 Many nuclei Back to Game Board

14 Name this phase.

15 Interphase Back to Game Board

16 Name this phase.

17 Anaphase Back to Game Board

18 Name this phase.

19 Telophase Back to Game Board

20 Name this phase.

21 Prophase Back to Game Board

22 Name this phase.

23 Metaphase Back to Game Board

24 Where sister chromatids are held together
Where sister chromatids are held together. Part where spindle fibers attach to.

25 centromere Back to Game Board

26 Name given to one of the two identical parts of a duplicated chromosome

27 chromatid Back to Game Board

28 What part of the cell organizes the building of the mitotic spindle?

29 centrioles Back to Game Board

30 Name given to the framework that attaches to the centromeres?

31 spindle fibers Back to Game Board

32 What is the purpose of the spindle fibers?

33 The microtubules of the spindle “push” the chromatids to the center of the cell during metaphase, and “pull” them apart during anaphase. Back to Game Board

34 What is the cell cycle?

35 It is the life of a cell from the time it is first formed from a dividing parent cell until its own division into two cells. Back to Game Board

36 What events occur in the G1 phase?

37 The cell increases in size
The cell increases in size. The cell doubles the number of enzymes and cytoplasmic organelles. Back to Game Board

38 What occurs during the S phase of the cell cycle?

39 DNA replication/ synthesis
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40 What occurs during the G2 phase of the cell cycle?

41 Continues to grow. The cell assembles the special structures that it needs for cell division. And finishes the duplication of remaining organelles. Back to Game Board

42 G1, S, and G2 (first 3 phases of cell cycle) are collectively known as (this is also where the cell spends most of its time) ?

43 Interphase Back to Game Board

44 In this phase, the microtubules shorten, pulling apart the sister chromatids.

45 Anaphase Back to Game Board

46 In this phase, the nuclear membrane disappears, the nucleolus disappears, tighter coiling of the chromosomes.

47 Prophase Back to Game Board

48 In this phase, the cell cytoplasm is divided into two parts.

49 Cytokinesis Back to Game Board

50 This is a phase in which the cell is not dividing, but carrying out its normal functions.

51 Interphase Back to Game Board

52 In this phase, the sister chromatids/ chromosomes are lined up at the equator of the cell.

53 Metaphase Back to Game Board

54 During this step, an indentation or “pinched in” area (cleavage furrow) on the surface of an animal cell will start; it will continue to pinch inward until two separate cells are formed. Within the forming nuclear membrane chromosomes begin to relax.

55 Telophase Back to Game Board

56 The cell cycle is monitored as each cell passes through

57 checkpoints Back to Game Board

58 What is cancer caused by (think about what happens to the genes)?

59 mutations Back to Game Board

60 Cancer cells can reproduce rapidly because they

61 spend less time in interphase
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62 The cell cycle is divided into what 3 main phases?

63 What is interphase, mitosis, and cytokinesis?
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