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Sea of Monsters Chapter 4

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1 Sea of Monsters Chapter 4
“Tyson Plays with Fire”

2 Procedure Read the chapter Read the PowerPoint Write the journal entry
Write a summary Do the exercise related to vocabulary Do the study questions Do any extra activities in the PowerPoint for this chapter (sequence, descriptive quotes) Take the quiz over chapters 1-4.

3 Vocabulary Make a PowerPoint of the vocabulary words Find the word in the book and define in your own words. mythologically Minotaur swathes plume Mohawk charred shaft uncapped rummaged phalanx bristling 12. quills 13. muster 14. taunted smoldering gash 17.creaked 18. pummeled 19. swirled 20. unleash 21.celestial 22.assess

4 References to “Lightning Thief”
Killing the Minotaur Gives Percy a reputation as he enters Camp Half-Blood Has horn as proof he “killed” the minotaur Minotaur is a monster which can disintegrate but cannot die; can reappear and reform Mother, Sally Jackson, disintegrated by Minotaur, at least that is what Percy thought. Percy saves her at end of book She uses head of Medusa to turn Gabe to stone

5 A minotaur - describes a creature which is half-human and half-bull.

6 Reference to The Lightning Thief Clarisse and the toilet scene
In LT Clarisse bullies Percy by trying to put his head in the toilet. Since water is Percy’s power, this scene backfires on Clarisse who ends up being soaked by an exploding toilet. She and all Ares hate Percy as a result.

7 Reference to The Lightning Thief The conflict with Ares
Ares was really the one who had the LIGHTNING ROD stolen He set up Percy He conspired with Luke.

8 Reference to The Lightning Thief The pine tree of Thalia
Thalia, daughter of Zeus, became a tree when she tried to protect Grover, Annabeth and Luke. As she was dying, Zeus turned her in a pine tree. Happened six years ago. Chased by monsters to Camp Half-Blood; others were able to cross the boundary.

9 Mythological References The Colchis Bulls
Elephant-sized, fire-breathing bronze bulls created by Hephaestus, with horns of silver and of rubies. In myth of Jason and the Argonauts - the Argonauts arrive at Colchis where Jason directly steps in front of king Aeetes to claim the Golden Fleece. Like Pelias before, Aeetes also sets one condition for the delivery of the artefact: He asks Jason to tame two fiery bulls and to plough the fields with them. Medea helps Jason with a special suave that protects his skin from the fire of the bulls.

10 Mythological Reference Argus
A giant with a hundred eyes, who was also called Panoptes (all-seeing). Hera put him to guard Zeus mistress Io, but Zeus sent Hermes to kill the giant. Argus was then transformed into a peacock.

11 Figurative Language Is it a simile or a metaphor or neither?
“spears bristling over the top like porcupine quills.” “Its body temperature could’ve microwaved a frozen burrito.” “The blast swirled around him like a red tornado” “the bronze crumbled under his hands like aluminum foil.” “The bull’s face now looked like a sock puppet turned inside out.” “My ankle felt like it was filled with acid.” It “ran in slow motions, going in circles like some kind of merry-go-round anaimal.”

12 Study questions What was Percy worried about?
What obstacles face the trio? Who makes up the trio? What was the purpose of the magic boundaries? Tell about the tree; who is it named after and why? Because of the situation, what does the camp have now that it didn’t have before? 7. Why does Annabeth want sunscreen? 8. How does Annabeth trick one of the bulls? What is the strategy Percy decides he must use to kill both bulls? What stops him? 10. Who saves Percy’s life? How? How is Percy hurt? 11. Why does the boundary work on Tyson and not the bulls? 12. How does Annabeth heal Percy? 13. Who killed bull 2 and how? 14. Who seems ungrateful? Who turns her attention to assuage the anger? 15, What does Percy finally notice about Tyson after prompted to look at him by Annabeth? 17. What does Annabeth tell Percy about “baby Cyclopes”? 18. Explain why Tyson withstood the fire? 19. What remains to be done? 20 Who is the new activities director? What happened to Argus? Why? 21. Why was the boundary failing?

13 Characters Annabeth Chase Tyson Percy
Two Colchis bulls – bronze, fire-breathing Clarisse Heroes

14 Setting Camp Half-Blood, outside the entrance.

15 Point of View First Person - Percy

16 Conflicts Example of conflicts Type of conflict
Heroes vs the Cretan (bronze) bulls Percy vs Clarisse Someone vs pinetree Man vs supernatural Man vs man Man vs nature

17 Symbols Fire – destruction and also power Boundary - safety

18 Method of Narration Chronological Order

19 Activities • Sequencing of events Important quotes that describe

20 Important Quotes Who do these quotes describe?
“the bronze sword(shimmered)” “burned up tie-dyed.” “bronze ones the size of elephants..had to breath fire.” “peeled out, heading back to New York.” Had ‘nothing but her backpack and knife.” “fought with “a broken spear shaft, and other end embedded uselessly in the metal joint of one bull’s shoulder.” “lined up shoulder-to-shoulder, locking their shields to form an ox-hide-and bronze wall, their spears bristling over the top like porcupine quills.”

21 Important Quotes (cont)
“brave..a big girl with cruel eyes like her father’s…born to wear Greek battle armor.” It “makes humans see only what their brains can process” and apparently demi-gods too. “one large, calf-brown eye, right in the middle of his forehead, with thick lashes and big tears trickling down his cheeks.”

22 Important Quotes (cont)
It had been “strong and healthy. But now, its needles were yellow. A huge pile of dead one littered the base of the tree. In the senter of the …, three feet from the ground, was a puncture mark the size of a bullet hole, oozing green sap.”

23 Essay questions What is a grudge? Is it good to hold a grudge? Who is hurt by this? Have you ever had a grudge that you held very long? Was it worth it? We hear “Stronger together.” How does this apply to this chapter?

24 Inferences Why does Clarisse curse Percy after he saves his life?
Why does bull two target Percy?

25 Sequencing activity Have students create a sequencing activity by illustrating events on index cards and placing them in the correct order.

26 Journal Topic • Write a letter to Percy’s mom as one of the heroes. Explain what is going on at the camp and reassure her that Percy is in good hands. Give at least three examples proving this last idea.

27 Write a summary of the chapter
Make a jot list of the events and then put these in sentence form.

28 Activity – Sequence of events
DIRECTIONS: The following events occurred in Chapter 4 of Sea of Monsters. Cut the events in strips and make a ring chain placing them in chronological order. Percy slices off part of a bull. Annabeth insists Tyson stay and help, cross into the camp. Clarisse calls for help saying, “Border patrol, to me.” The Gray Sisters leave for New York. Clarisse tells Percy she had everything under control. Percy realizes that Chiron is gone and Tantalus is in. “The bull crashed into her shield and the phalanx broker.” Annabeth gives nectar to Percy. Bronze bulls cross magical boundaries of Camp Half-Blood. Tyson pummels one bull. Percy uncaps his pen. Percy realizes that Tyson is a Cyclopes.

29 Quiz 1 1. Percy's mother sent him to this school.
2. Who did Percy become friends with at his school? 3. Who is the main bully at school? 4. Who joins the bully in hopes of destroying Percy? 5.Who saves Percy in the gym? 6. Who drives the trio to Camp? 7. What do the drivers share? 8.Percy had a dream that his friend Grover is hiding from a monster. Who is the monster? 9. What was oozing from Thalia's pine tree? 10. What did Percy find out Tyson was immune to?

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