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The Cell Cycle and Division

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1 The Cell Cycle and Division

2 Cell cycle- the cycle of growth, development, and division of cells.
During the cell cycle, organisms grow, develop, replace old or damaged cells, and produce new cells. Cell Cycle

3 Phases of the Cell Cycle
2 main phases: interphase and mitotic Interphase- is the period during the cell cycle of a cell’s growth and development. Most of the cell’s life is spent in interphase. 3 stages of INTERPHASE: Rapid growth & replication (copying) of the organelles Copying of DNA Preparation for Cell Division. Phases of the Cell Cycle

4 Phases of Cell Cycle Mitotic- 2nd phase of the cell cycle.
A cell reproduces during the mitotic phase. Has 2 stages: Nucleus divides during the first stage Cytoplasm divides in the second stage. Phases of Cell Cycle


6 Interphase Begins with rapid growth (cell gets bigger)
Cellular activities (making proteins) Copies DNA and prepares for cell division DNA is bundled into chromatin (long strands of DNA). Interphase

7 Phases of Interphase 3 Phases: G₁, S, & G₂
G₁ is the growth & replication phase. It is the longest phase. S – cell continues to grow & copies its DNA. G₂- final period of growth and preparation for the mitotic stage. Stores energy used for Mitotic stage. Phases of Interphase

8 Mitotic Phase Has 2 stages: mitosis and cytokinesis.
Mitosis- the nucleus and its contents divide. Cytokinesis- the cytoplasm and its contents divide. Daughter Cells – the 2 new cells that result from mitosis and cytokinesis. Mitotic Phase


10 Phases of Mitosis Prophase (P) Metaphase (M) Anaphase (A)
Telophase (T) Phases of Mitosis

11 In animal cells, the cell membrane squeezes together around the middle of the cell (furrow).
In plant cells, a new cell wall forms in the middle of a plant cell. Cell plate grows outward toward the cell wall. Cytokinesis


13 Results of Cell Division
The end result of cell division is two new daughter cells with identical DNA. Replacement of damaged or worn out cells. Cell Division is critical for repairing damage. Cell Division allows multicellular organisms to grow and develop from one cell. Results of Cell Division

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