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Activity report (point 3 of the agenda)

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1 Activity report (point 3 of the agenda)
Eurostat – Unit E2 Anton Steurer Joint meeting Working Groups on Environmental Accounts & Environmental Expenditure Statistics Luxembourg, 10 March 2015

2 Eurostat activities in 2014 (domains 1/2)
Air emissions accounts (AEA) Material flow accounts (MFA) Energy accounts (PEFA) Water accounts Environmentally-extended supply and use input-output tables Integrated framework for monetary environmental accounting Environmental protection expenditure Environmental taxes Environmental goods and services sector

3 Eurostat activities in 2014 (domains 2/2)
Environmental subsidies and similar transfers Resource management expenditure account (ReMEA) Legal base for environmental accounts European strategy for environmental accounting Climate change Pilot studies Publications Working group, DIMESA and Task Force meetings in 2014

4 Types of activities Methodological work e.g. task forces, manuals, guidelines, etc. Preparation of data collection e.g. questionnaires, DSD, etc. Collection of data transmitted by countries. Validation, gap-filling, etc. Production of Eurostat estimates for EU e.g. EGSS, RMC Dissemination of data. Write or update articles and publications Development tools e.g. PEFA builder ESTP courses Promotion of pilot studies in the countries (grants) Organisation meetings and support co-ordination e.g WGs, DIMESA, London Group, meetings with users,… Legal work e.g. amendment Reg. 691/2011

5 Thanks!

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